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Okemuyiwa Preaches On Power Of Divine Intervention At Morning Of Joy Programme

Independent 3 days ago

ABUJA – Pastor Amos Okemuyiwa of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) FCT Province 7 in a powerful sermon delivered at Morning of Joy programme on Saturday in Abuja, captivated the congregation with his message on the topic of “Divine Intervention.” Drawing from 2 Kings 7:2-3 and 16 to the end.

Okemuyiwa emphasized that without God’s intervention, the Bible would lose its significance.

He began by underscoring the omniscience of God, stating, “From the beginning, God knew what humanity would do. He was fully involved in every aspect of human existence.”

He illustrated how everyday actions, such as using a phone, enrich those who possess information, highlighting the importance of knowledge and connection in the modern world.

Okemuyiwa demonstrated the power of connections, asserting that while information and knowledge are crucial, divine intervention reigns supreme.

“Intervention is the ultimate influence from the Lord to favour or oppose certain values,” he explained, citing Daniel 10 and the story of the Prince of Persia to illustrate his point.

Okemuyiwa defined divine intervention as “a greater influence from the Lord that establishes His supremacy over humanity.”

He outlined several reasons why God intervenes: Divine intervention is continuous because God initiated it in the world (Psalm 22:10-12); God intervenes to challenge human wisdom, as seen in 1 Corinthians 20 and Genesis 21 when He visited Sarah; Examples from Daniel 6:21-22 and Exodus 3:9-10 show God intervening to stop oppression.

In addition, God’s interventions demonstrate that He has the final say (Daniel 3:14-17); and God intervenes to override human limitations and protocols.

He explained that those who can access divine intervention include those who trust God wholeheartedly (Daniel 6:22), those who call upon God with a repentant heart (Luke 23:41-43), and those who do not make God a second option.

Okemuyiwa emphasized that when human efforts fail, divine intervention prevails. “Intervention is God’s involvement in a matter when everything else fails,” he stated, referencing Daniel 10:1-14.

He highlighted Daniel’s dedication to God, which led to miraculous interventions, including his survival in the lion’s den.

He concluded by reiterating the fundamental elements that control the dynamics of life: information, knowledge, connection, and divine intervention. “When God wants to intervene, He asks that you hand over, and He takes over,” Okemuyiwa said, drawing from John 5:1-11.

The sermon left the congregation inspired and reminded of the power of divine intervention in their lives.

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