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Ex-Scribe Bamgbola Condemns Assault On Lagos APC Chairman, Says Culprits, Thier Sponsors Must Be Punished; Read Full Statement Here

thegazellenews.com 5 days ago

Yesterday’s incident involving members of the All Progressives Congress from Alimosho Local Government who reportedly molested the State Chairman at the State Secretariat is not only deplorable but also goes against the ethos of the party and democratic principles. Such behavior has serious implications for the progress and future of the party, tarnishing its image and reputation in the eyes of the public. It creates a perception of chaos and lawlessness within the party ranks, which is damaging to its credibility and ability to govern effectively.

The actions of these members have created a negative perception of the party, portraying it as lacking internal cohesion and unable to handle disagreements in a civilized manner. This not only harms the party’s standing with the electorate but also erodes trust and confidence in its leadership. It is imperative that the ring leaders and culprits involved in this shameful act are identified and disciplined accordingly to send a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated within the party.

Moving forward, conflict resolution within the party should be handled through peaceful and constructive means, such as dialogue, mediation, and reconciliation efforts. It is important for all members to remember that they are part of a larger political movement with a common goal, and internal conflicts should be resolved in a manner that upholds the dignity and integrity of the party. Leadership at all levels should promote a culture of respect, tolerance, and adherence to party guidelines and principles.

The actions of the individuals from Alimosho Local Government are condemnable, and steps must be taken to address this issue promptly. The party must demonstrate its commitment to upholding the rule of law, discipline, and unity to regain public trust and move forward positively. Conflict resolution should be guided by principles of fairness, justice, and mutual respect to guarantee the party’s strength and effectiveness in fulfilling its mandate.


Former State Secretary

Former State Vice Chairman

All Progressives Congress

Lagos State

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