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How to remove nail-polish stains with home-ingredients

foodandhome.co.za 2 days ago

We have all had those traumatising moments where our nail polish accidently stains our carpet or favourite clothing items. This horrifying moment happens to ruin not only a well-deserved maintenance day, replacing relaxation with stress and worry about how to remove the stain.  

 We have got you covered with some easy home alternatives that could save your favourite items:  

Image: Unsplash

 White Vinegar and Dishwashing Liquid 

– In a bowl, mix equal amounts of white vinegar and dishwashing liquid and combine. 

– Apply the mixture to the stained area with a clean cloth/ 

– Gently dab the area with the cloth. 

– Once the stain has lifted, be sure to rinse the item in cold water. 

– Repeat the process till the stain has completely dissolved.  

 Note: to prevent further spreading of the nail polish stain make sure to work the mixture from the outside.  

 Toothpaste and Baking Soda

– Toothpaste works not only to keep your teeth healthy and your breath fresh, but the paste works well to remove stains in your home.  

– Simply take some baking soda and mix it with your desired toothpaste.  

– With a cotton bud or ball, dip it into the mixture and apply to the stained area. 

– Once the stain has lifted, gently wipe the area with a clean cloth.  

Lemons and Orange Juice  

Citrus is a great option to use if you want to remove a stain naturally.  

– Cut a slice of your lemon and apply it to the nail polish stain and wait for it to lift.  

– Alternatively, you can make orange juice and white vinegar mixture with equal amounts. 

– Apply the mixture with a cotton bud to the area and wait for it to soften.  

Image: Unsplash

Non-kitchen ingredients 

 If the natural remedies do not seem to work, try these alternative methods:  

 Nail Polish Remover or Rubbing Alcohol  

This is a method that works well for clothing items like denim, polyester or cotton.  

– Place a clean white cloth underneath the stained area.  

 Note: To avoid damage please test the method out on an old piece of clothing before applying it to your cherished items.  

–  Soak a cotton bud or ball in some nail polish remover, acetone or rubbing alcohol.  

– Gently dab the stained area.   

– Do not rub the stain as it will further spread.  

– Once the stain shows signs of lifting, clean the area with a fresh cloth.  

– Repeat method if needed.  

– Once the stain has lifted, rinse the item in some cold water before placing it in the washing machine.  

 Note: Work carefully with these products, making sure to wear gloves and always keep away from your eyes.  

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