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9 Easy Ways To Have A Less Boring Date Night With Your Husband

yourtango.com 1 day ago

Build deeper connections and richer passion.

married couple having a fun date night picnic

Having date nights when you’re married is vital. We've been married for 16 years and still make it a priority to spend much-needed quality time together.

Date nights for couples give you the chance to focus on each other without other distractions. They help you have fun and enjoy each other while keeping you emotionally connected. Below are just a few of our suggestions when it comes to dating when you’re married.

Here are 9 ways to have a less boring date night with your husband:

1. Do things you used to enjoy doing together

When you’ve been together a long time, it’s easy to get stuck in routines. We sometimes forget the fun things we used to do. Try remembering back to your first dates. What did you do and where did you go? Try to incorporate those ideas into your dates now.

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2. Court each other

We know this is an old term. Courting means trying to gain love or affection or gain the favor of your partner through attention or flattery. When you were first dating, what were you trying to do? Hopefully, one of your goals was to get another date. Use this strategy because you want another date with your partner!

3. Talk to each other and update your love maps

A love map is where the brain stores relevant information about your partner’s life. For example, one piece of information you might know is your partner’s favorite flower. We learn these things about our partners over the years, but we sometimes assume this information never changes. However, what your partner liked 5, 10, or 20 years ago might not be the same today. Knowing and understanding each other is important and helps you maintain your connection. So keep talking and sharing to update each other’s love maps.

Couple on motorbike have fun on date night

4. Do new and novel things together

Pick something you both would like, but have never done before. For example, it could be from as wild as skydiving to as simple as taking a cooking class together. Remember, novelty creates positive energy and excitement!

5. Put away your cell phones

This is the time for you to focus on each other! Enough said.

6. Don’t go to the same restaurants and places you normally go

This can create a routine and can lead to you getting stuck in a rut.

7. Don’t just go to the movies or watch TV

We don’t consider these date night activities. When you do these activities you're focused on the screen, not each other. Remember, proximity does not equal quality time!

8. Don’t talk about problems with work, the children, or your relationship on your date nights

Don’t get us wrong, these are important things you want to discuss, just not on date nights. Remember, you are trying to connect and have fun together!

9. Don’t spend a lot of money

There are many things you can do for a date night for free or cost little money. How about taking a bike ride, having a romantic picnic at a local park, or watching the sunset together?

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We hope these dating suggestions help. As always, wishing you deeper connection and passion in your relationship!

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