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Motoring expert shares tips to help drivers stay stress-free on motorways this summer

Express UK 2 days ago

With many motorists admitting that they feel stressed whilst driving on motorways, a car servicing company has shared how drivers can stay calm on the roads.

According to ATS Euromaster, one in six motorists feel nervous when driving on a motorway (Image: Getty)

The vehicle service and repair provider ATS Euromaster has shared a number of ways in which motorists can avoid feeling stressed behind the wheel on a motorway.

With the summer on the way, many families are set to take long-distance journeys, with motorways being some of the most efficient roads to use.

Simon Wayne, Technical Support Engineer at ATS Euromaster, noted that the negative views towards smart motorway has helped to make drivers more fearful of travelling on high-speed roads.

He explained: "With the news that smart motorway tech leaves drivers at risk, our data reveals an almost universal dislike for smart motorway technology among UK drivers. It's perhaps not surprising that the M25, a smart motorway, was ranked the worst motorway in the UK to drive on.

"The results also point to a direct correlation between a lack of confidence in motorway driving, with drivers reporting anxiety and avoidance as results of driving on the motorway, despite them being statistically among the country's safest roads."

Drivers should avoid hogging the middle lane, only using it to overtake others (Image: Getty)

In order to keep safe whilst on a motorway, ATS Euromaster suggested that all drivers should regularly remind themselves to keep to the left.

Whilst lane hogging, the process of driving uneccessarily in the middle lane, is annoying and can cause congestion, it can be much more dangerous if a vehicle breaks down in this lane.

As a result, drivers who notice any faults with their vehicle should move to the left-hand lane as soon as it is safe to do so, making it easier to pull over into the hard shoulder or emergency zone if it becomes necessary.

Drivers should also make sure that the vehicle's tyres have enough air in them to prevent blowouts (Image: Getty)

Another tip offered by ATS Euromaster to keep motorway driving safe and stress-free is to make sure that their vehicle is in good running order.

By spending a few minutes generally inspecting components under the bonnet and topping up fluids where necessary, motorists can reduce the chances of breaking down.

In addition, making sure the tyres feature the correct amount of air pressure can prevent blowouts, which can cause the vehicle to suddenly swerve into traffic or flip.

Finally, should a car break down whilst travelling on a motorway, ATS Euromaster warned drivers to never attempt to repair the vehicle themselves.

Whether a motorist stops on the hard shoulder, emergency zone or a live lane, doing any work on the vehicle puts motorists at risk of being hit at speeds of up to 70mph.

Instead, it is advised that drivers and all passengers get out of the vehicle and stand on the other side of the safety barrier to prevent being injured if another road user crashes into the car.

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