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Meet The Lady Who Rejected Barack Obama Hand In Marriage, Here Is Why

newsmedia.ng 3 days ago

Before immediate former president of the United States, Barack Obama met Michelle, there was Sheila Miyoshi Jager.…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Sheila was Barack’s love who rejected him twice, according to a new biography.

David Garrow, author of the new book, “Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama,” says Obama met Jager in the mid-’80s when he was doing community organising in Chicago.

She says in 1986 Obama asked her to marry him, but her parents were opposed because they thought she was too young. She said no, but they continued dating.…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Jager, of Dutch and Japanese ancestry, told Garrow that Obama had always had a strong belief he’d someday become President of the United States. She also told the author Obama had “a deep-seated need to be loved and admired.”

Garrow says Obama’s presidential ambitions became the highlight of their relationship, causing a conflict because he worried a non-African-American spouse would do him political damage…..ContinueReading….

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