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July Day 4, James 1: 5

vocal.media 2024/10/5

Wisdom light:: message of the scripture

July Day 4, James 1: 5
Maddi Bazzocco

In the heat of July, the fourth day sings,

A verse from James, profound wisdom it brings.

“If any of you lacks wisdom,” it is penned,

“Ask of God, who gives to all, without end.”

In the sacred pages, truths unfold,

Stories of old, with lessons bold.

From Genesis to Revelation's might,

The Bible guides with its holy light.

In the beginning, God’s word breathed life,

Forming the world, dispelling strife.

Through Noah’s ark, a promise made,

A rainbow bright, where fears did fade.

Moses led through parted seas,

God’s commandments, His decrees.

In deserts dry, their faith was tried,

But in His love, they did abide.

David, a shepherd, with a sling and stone,

Became a king, a heart well-known.

His psalms of praise, in joy and grief,

Showed God’s mercy, belief’s relief.

Prophets spoke with voices clear,

Of a Messiah, drawing near.

Isaiah, Jeremiah, with fervent plea,

Foretold of Christ, who sets us free.

In Bethlehem, a star did rise,

Jesus born, a holy prize.

He healed the sick, the blind gave sight,

In parables, He taught what’s right.

On the cross, He bore our sin,

In His death, new life begins.

Three days passed, He rose in might,

Conquering death, our guiding light.

In James, a wisdom profound and true,

“If you lack, ask God,” for He renews.

With faith, unwavering, bold and clear,

God’s wisdom flows, ever near.

In July’s warmth, let this truth abide,

God’s word, our constant guide.

Through every trial, in every land,

The Bible’s wisdom, firm we stand.

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