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FGN Sets Up Advisory, Ministerial Taskforce On Malaria Elimination

signalng.com 2 days ago

Federal government has set up an Advisory on Malaria Elimination in Nigeria (AMEN) and Ministerial Taskforce On Malaria Elimination, aimed at accelerating progress towards malaria elimination in the country.

Coordinating minister of Health and Social Welfare, Professor Muhammad Ali Pate while inaugurating the advisory board and ministerial taskforce, explained that malaria poses a significant burden on Nigeria in terms of mortality, morbidity, lost work hours, out-of-pocket expenses, and government investments in treatments and interventions.

He emphasised that despite being preventable and treatable, malaria continues to be a major challenge for the country.

“Therefore, we need a paradigm shift from the standard approach to a more proactive and result-oriented method of defeating this disease.

“On this premise, we invited academics, malaria programme experts, development partners, private sectors, civil societies, business enthusiasts, policymakers as well as the political class to a roundtable discussion to rethink the country’s approaches and strategic views on malaria, which culminated to the setting up of the Advisory for Malaria Elimination in Nigeria (AMEN), among other things agendas, and the Ministerial Task Force on Malaria in Nigeria”, AMEN is chaired by Emeritus Prof. Rose Leke University of Yaoundé, Cameroun. Other members included Prof. Dyann Wirth, of the Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. Soji Adeyi President, of Resilience Health System, Prof. Ibrahim Abubakar, University College, London, and Prof. Peter Piot, of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

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