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‘Stayed In And Lost’: CNN Data Guru Warns Biden’s Support Right Now Echoes George HW Bush

mediaite.com 2 days ago

CNN data reporter Harry Enten predicted President Joe Biden could potentially be facing the same fate George H.W. Bush faced in 1992 based on the latest polling.

Enten joined CNN’s Kate Bolduan on Wednesday to break down the latest survey from Reuters/Ipsos that showed more than 50% believe Biden should drop out of the race following his CNN debate performance against former President Donald Trump. Enten noted that while this number is bad, only 32% of Democrats believe Biden should drop out and 66% want him to stay in.

“There are two incumbents who were going to potentially run and then they decided to get out. In 1952, it was Harry S. Truman [and] in 1968, it was Lyndon B. Johnson. They quit before the nominations were decided. They quit as the primary season was going on,” Enten said.

Truman and Johnson were convinced to drop their bids due to their low approval ratings, but more wanted the pair to jump out of their respective races than Biden. Without internal pressure from Democrats, Enten argued, Biden is likely sticking out the race.

Biden’s numbers, he continued, are more similar to that of George H.W. Bush in the 1992 presidential election where he lost to Bill Clinton. There were doubts about the incumbent candidate heading into the race with 24% in his own party believing he should drop out before he became the nominee.

“A big issue with getting Biden out? Democrats don’t want Biden to leave the race. The voters who could pressure their elected leaders want Biden to stay in,” Enten wrote on X, formerly Twitter, when sharing the numbers-breakdown segment. “The data right now don’t look like Truman (52) or Johnson (68). They look a lot more like Bush (92), who stayed in [and] lost.”

Watch above via CNN.

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