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Certification for Partner AI Apps on SAP BTP – Ensuring Reliability, Responsibility, and Relevance

sap.com 3 days ago


As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, businesses are seeking innovative solutions to maintain their competitive edge. Development of AI applications has the potential to transform the way companies operate and serve their customers.

Organizations are leveraging the robust capabilities of SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) to build, integrate, and extend applications in the cloud. The platform's extensive suite of tools and services allows for the creation of secure, scalable, and intelligent applications with significant business impact. With the addition of the generative AI hub in SAP AI Core, businesses have access to a wealth of AI development resources, including pre-trained models, data annotation tools, and custom AI model training. By utilizing these tools, companies can harness the power of AI to build predictive, personalized applications that drive value for their customers.

SAP BTP: Empowering Applications with Generative AI

SAP BTP empowers our application portfolio by enabling the integration of generative AI. This platform facilitates the seamless embedding of AI features and process innovations across SAP and partner applications, offering the following impactful advantages:

  • Comprehensive AI Services: SAP BTP provides a wide range of generative AI services that can be incorporated into applications, including code generation, automation, and extensibility.
  • Enterprise-grade Integration: Our platform ensures that all AI integrations are trusted, compliant, and enterprise-ready, utilizing SAP’s business data to deliver robust AI capabilities.
  • Driving Innovation: Partners can harness the generative AI capabilities to develop cutting-edge AI applications, whether they are creating new apps or transforming existing ones.

Launching certification program for partner AI applications:

Are you a partner looking to certify your AI application for use on SAP BTP? Look no further! SAP Integration and Certification Center (SAP ICC), as part of SAP Partner Innovation Lifecycle Services (PILS) offers a certification program specifically designed to ensure that partner AI apps running on SAP BTP meet the highest standards of reliability, responsibility, and relevance.

The certification program covers technical integration and responsible AI criteria, offering a comprehensive scope to ensure that your app meets the necessary requirements.

  • Certification requirements for Reliable AI include:
    • Development and implementation following the respective SAP development and best practice guidelines, such as the BTP AI Dev Guide
    • Utilization of generative AI hub capabilities in SAP AI Core
    • Use of other relevant BTP services (reference: SAP Discovery Center - Services)
    • Deployment of the Partner app on the SAP BTP runtime environment
  • Certification requirements for Responsible AI include:
    • Must adhere to guiding principles and ethics as outlined in SAP Global AI Ethics policy leveraging the SAP AI Ethics Handbook during all stages of the development lifecycle
    • To ensure compliance, business scenario and AI ethics policy for the AI application will be carefully reviewed using a structured assessment process.
  • Certification requirements for Relevant AI include:
    • Integration with SAP solutions as applicable for your business need, utilizing released APIs as documented in SAP Business Accelerator Hub, where applicable.
    • Execute representative functional end-to-end test cases of the application.

Upon completion of certification, it ensures that your app is not only technically sound, but also ethically responsible.

You will be awarded with ‘SAP Certified – built with SAP Business AI’ logo and your certified solution details will be listed in SAP Certified Solutions Directory

Benefits of certification for Partners:

By having the AI application tested by SAP, our partners can unlock numerous benefits, including:

  • Trust & Credibility: Achieving Certification is a powerful testament to a partner's commitment to quality and technical excellence. It instils trust in customers and prospects, assuring them that the certified solution run on SAP BTP and technically integrated with SAP solution.
  • Innovation: Embrace cutting-edge AI technologies to drive innovation and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Growth: Showcase advanced AI capabilities to enhance service offerings and attract new clients, driving business growth.
  • Competitiveness: Deliver more intelligent, responsive, and personalized solutions to gain a competitive edge in the market.

What Next:

By obtaining certification for your AI app on SAP BTP, you can demonstrate to your customers that your app meets the highest standards of reliability, responsibility, and relevance, giving them the confidence to use it in their business processes. Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your app's capabilities and join the ranks of certified AI apps on SAP BTP!

Apply today for the AI application certification directly at the SAP Partner Benefits Catalog (PBC).

Contact us at icc@sap.com for more details.

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