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Woman shares 'game-changing' mopping hack that saves 'so much time'

Mirror Online 1 day ago

A woman shared a game-changing hack when it comes to mopping your floors that will help you clean them in half the time - using one extra item you already own

A woman mopping a floor
This hack could make mopping so much easier (stock photo)

Your household chores have never been easier with this time-saving hack.

Let's face it, we all wish that cleaning our homes didn't take as long as it does. From vacuuming the carpets and rugs to washing the dishes, doing the laundry, and dusting every nook and cranny - it can feel as though your home never stays clean for more than five minutes.

None of us want to spend all of our free time doing chores, which is why life hacks that can make the process quicker are so popular. So what if we told you there was a way you could cut down on the time it takes you to mop your floors?

If you've got tiles or linoleum in your bathroom and kitchen, then you'll know how important it is to whack out the mop to keep them sparkling clean. You obviously wouldn't mop a carpet, and it's not recommended that you wet mop a hardwood floor, but for tiles and vinyl sheet flooring, the mop is a must.

But mopping comes with its own challenges. If there's any crumb of leftover food or a single hair on the floor, you can end up simply dragging that dirt and debris along the floor with you while you mop. Picking it up is an absolute nightmare, and grime can get tangled in the head of your mop making the whole process way more frustrating and time-consuming than it needs to be.

One woman, however, has the perfect solution. Sharing a simple comment on a Reddit post that asked for the "best time-saving cleaning hacks", she simply wrote: "Vacuuming the floor before mopping."

Why didn't we think of that? All you need to do is get out your vacuum and whizz it around the floor you intend on mopping, which will help pick up all those bits of debris that would otherwise get pushed around by your mop.

Many other commenters also shared their time-saving hacks too, including the original poster of the question who responded with their own mop-related hack. They wrote: "For me, it's mopping cabinets."

Another person commented: "I dry my shower every time I use it. I've gotten really fast at it and it never needs a deep clean because it stays pristine," and someone else shared: "For me, it's getting a load of dishes and laundry going before I leave for work in the mornings. Swapping a load to the dryer and unloading the dishwasher in the afternoons saves a ton of time."

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