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5 types of men women should avoid dating or marrying

rollingout.com 2 days ago
Photo credit: Shutterstock.com / PeopleImages.com - Yuri A

Recognize Mr. Wrong before it’s too late

Entering into a relationship is a significant decision that can impact your life in numerous ways. While every person is unique and there are exceptions to every rule, there are certain types of men that women should think twice about dating or marrying. Understanding these types can help you make more informed choices and find a partner who truly complements and supports you.

The controlling man

A controlling man may initially appear caring and protective, but his behavior can quickly turn suffocating. These men often dictate what you wear, whom you can see, and how you should spend your time. Their need for control can stem from insecurity or a desire to dominate the relationship, leading to a significant imbalance of power.

Signs of a controlling man

  1. Isolation tactics: He may try to distance you from your friends and family.
  2. Constant monitoring: Excessive checking on your whereabouts and activities.
  3. Emotional manipulation: Making you feel guilty for wanting to spend time independently.

A relationship with a controlling man can lead to a loss of personal freedom and self-identity. It’s crucial to recognize these signs early and establish boundaries to maintain your independence and well-being.

The commitment-phobe

The commitment-phobe man often avoids serious relationships, preferring casual flings or temporary arrangements. While he may be charming and fun initially, his reluctance to commit can lead to frustration and heartache.

Identifying a commitment-phobe

  1. Avoids future plans: Hesitant to discuss future milestones like moving in together or marriage.
  2. Inconsistent communication: Hot and cold behavior, often disappearing for periods without explanation.
  3. Fear of labels: Reluctant to define the relationship or introduce you to important people in his life.

If you’re seeking a long-term, stable relationship, a commitment-phobe may not be the best choice. It’s important to have open conversations about your relationship goals and assess whether he is willing to meet you halfway.

The narcissist

Narcissistic men can be incredibly charming and confident, making them initially attractive. However, their self-centeredness and lack of empathy can create a toxic relationship environment.

Characteristics of a narcissist

  1. Excessive self-importance: Always putting their needs and desires above yours.
  2. Lack of empathy: Difficulty understanding or caring about your feelings.
  3. Manipulative behavior: Using charm or guilt to get their way.

A relationship with a narcissist often revolves around their needs, leaving little room for your own growth and happiness. Recognizing these traits can help you avoid getting entangled in a one-sided relationship.

The abusive man

Abusive men can inflict harm both physically and emotionally. While physical abuse is more obvious, emotional abuse can be just as damaging. These men often use intimidation, threats, and manipulation to maintain control.

Warning signs of an abusive man

  1. Aggressive behavior: Quick to anger, often resulting in physical or verbal outbursts.
  2. Blame shifting: Always making you feel responsible for their abusive behavior.
  3. Gaslighting: Making you doubt your own perceptions and sanity.

Leaving an abusive relationship can be challenging and dangerous, but it’s crucial for your safety and mental health. Seek support from friends, family, or professional organizations to find a way out.

The serial cheater

Infidelity can shatter trust and undermine the foundation of any relationship. A serial cheater is someone who repeatedly engages in affairs, often lying and deceiving their partners.

Traits of a serial cheater

  1. History of infidelity: Past relationships marred by cheating.
  2. Secretive behavior: Hiding their phone, avoiding transparency about their whereabouts.
  3. Lack of remorse: Minimizing the impact of their actions or blaming you for their cheating.

Being with a serial cheater can lead to constant insecurity and heartbreak. It’s essential to evaluate whether the relationship is worth the emotional toll and whether trust can ever be genuinely restored.


Choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. While love and attraction are essential, being aware of these types of men can help you avoid unnecessary pain and disappointment. Always trust your instincts and prioritize your well-being and happiness in any relationship. By recognizing these red flags, you can navigate the dating world more confidently and find a partner who truly respects and values you.

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