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Diabetes And Alcohol Consumption: What Happens To Your Blood Sugar When You Drink Alcohol?

jagran.com 2 days ago

Diabetes And Alcohol Consumption: If you have diabetes, then consuming alcohol in excess amounts can surely have a detrimental effect on your sugar levels and overall health. Blood sugar is the main source of energy for our body and is supplied by the foods and beverages that we consume. When you consume something that has large amounts of sugar, carbohydrates and calories, your blood sugar may automatically rise. But when you drink alcohol, your blood sugar tends to either rise or drop. It’s all about how the individual body reacts to any alcoholic beverage. 

How Alcohol Affects Blood Sugar?

According to WebMD, while moderate amounts of alcohol may cause blood sugar to rise, excess alcohol can actually decrease your blood sugar level, sometimes causing it to drop to dangerous levels, especially for people with type 1 diabetes.

Wine and beer contain carbohydrates that are responsible for raising your blood sugar levels. Drinking alcohol also leads to appetite stimulation which can cause you to overeat and may cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels. In addition, alcoholic beverages also contain large amounts of calories making weight loss a difficult task. 

Excessive alcohol consumption can also increase triglyceride levels, and blood pressure and cause nausea, flushing, increased heart rate and slurred speech. 

Tips To Manage Diabetes Naturally

Eat Healthy Foods

The mainstay of a diabetic diet is eating balanced meals on a regular basis. Regular meal timing aids in the body's efficient use of insulin, which it either creates naturally or receives from a prescription.

Avoid Sugary Drinks

Beverages with added sugar are usually high in calories and low in nutrients. They quickly raise blood sugar levels, which is why you should limit consumption of these drinks if you have diabetes. 

Diabetes Management Tips (Image Credits: Canva)

Keep A Check On Your Levels

If you have diabetes, you need to periodically check your blood sugar levels. It is best to check your blood sugar levels right before meals and right before bed. You can use a CGM system or just a glucose meter and test strips to keep an eye on your blood sugar levels.

Stay Physically Active

Take a walk or jog, or choose some easy exercises to include in your everyday schedule, and pay attention to what your body needs. Being physically active enhances your ability to perform daily chores and helps regulate blood pressure, diabetes, and weight.

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