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Ask the Psychic: How can I get to know my angels?

lowellsun.com 1 day ago

DEAR BONNIE: I would like to get to know and feel the angles around me. Do you have a suggestion of where I should start? I do believe in them. I heard there are angels for different jobs. Thanks, Irene

DEAR IRENE: When I started getting serious about my training in the metaphysical world and how to connect on a higher level, I started reading everything I could about angels. I purchased as many books on angels that seemed to speak to me, and I started my journey into finding out about these beautiful beings who God created as his messengers.

We hear about angels stepping in to save someone from danger, and we see pictures of angels in churches and places that we visit, but there is so much more to learn. As a child, I found myself attracted to anything that had pictures of angels, and as I grew up and moved into my first apartment, I found myself buying statues of angels and placing one in each room where they could be seen.

I seemed to find comfort in the knowledge that they seemed to be watching over me. I would learn later that when we surround ourselves with pictures or statues of angels, they feel invited in, almost like a calling card of sorts to let them know we are open to being in their presence.

So, as I started to learn more about each angel, I also picked up a deck of angel cards. I would read about the angels every night before bed, bringing the book or cards with me and setting them on my nightstand. This seemed to open a doorway for the angels, and one by one, they started to communicate with me. I found it surprising that I could see, hear, and talk to the angels.

The first angel that came to me was Metatron, and he told me his brother Sepheron was with him. The messages were clear: God wanted me for something special. I said O.K., and he was off. I cannot believe it now. Looking back, I see that was my response. I often ask myself why I didn’t ask more questions or keep the conversation going, but maybe we are not supposed to know everything about our journey.

Then, night after night, I would see angels as they appeared. I know this sounds unbelievable; it definitely amazed me. The first night that Archangel Michael awoke me, I could see him very clearly. Standing next to him was a more prominently-framed angel, Archangel Raphael.

Each has their own unique looks and tones in their voices — each with a separate purpose of appearing to me. Archangel Michael is the protector with his sword of light and love. He uses this sword to swipe away energy that might have attached to you that should not be there; he is the protector. I hear Michael’s voice very well; he is the angel I can hear as I pull angel cards for readings. When I first realized I could listen to him as well as if I was having a conversation with my best friends who were sitting in the same room with me, I kept talking to him for two days, afraid that if I dropped the connection, I wouldn’t be able to hear him the same again. Finally, I asked him if he was tired of talking to me yet. He answered, “No, I am used to this.” So, I started to smile, knowing he would always be with me and that I could call upon him whenever I wanted to chat or help others with messages.

Frequently, I am asked: what does an angel look like? Very much like you, I accept sometimes, I do see their wings. Archangel Raphael is very much involved with me as he is a healer, and when I give a Reiki session, I am known to show up beside the Reiki bed and assist in healing. I have seen him place his two beautiful wings on top of someone as they lay receiving healing. I am amazed at this, as much as you might be as you are reading this. He works very closely with those who are helping to heal others. I also call him or Jesus, who is also a master healer, when I am not feeling well. Ask your angels for what you need help with. They are never far away.

That brings me back to the angel cards and your question. Start to work with the Angels by showing them you are interested in working with them. Invite them into your home by placing statues near you, reading about them, or picking up a deck of angel cards and pulling one for yourself daily. You might not have the same experience as me but don’t give up. Have faith that your angels are always close to you and never far away.

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