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Panic In Imo SEMB Over Alleged Mutilation Of Official Documents

imotrumpeta.com 2 days ago

..Group Calls For Immediate Set Up Of Panel Of Enquiry To Investigate All Staff, Principals Of Secondary Schools

By Okey Alozie

As the operation show your Birth Certificate, Date of employment, First School Leaving Certificate and presentation of other retirement documents to the Authority deadline expires, good number of staff of Secondary Education Management Board (SEMB) and Principals of Secondary Schools whose hands are not very clean are said to be panicking because they face the risk of sack if they were unable to present genuine documents to defend themselves this time.

Our source revealed that mutilation of official documents attracts termination of appointment of the civil servant involved and nothing less than that.

Recently as we gathered, SEMB has revealed that all principals and staff should endeavor to show their Certificates in line with the Audit requirements. There are indications that some of the staff and principals want to cover up and maneuver their way out the trouble they are likely to face and against this backdrop, concerned Imolites have started calling for a total probe at the SEMB office to discover those principals and Directors who supposed to have left the office and the system before now. Series of petition have been written against falsification of retirement documents. We also gathered that some of the senior staff of SEMB have started exposing their colleagues who have stayed longer than necessary in the system.

At SEMB as we further gathered, some Directors have stayed in office more than 10 years. This is said not to be acceptable in the civil service rule as some Junior staff at SEMB who felt sub changed, are now raising serious alarm calling on Governor Hope Uzodinma to visit SEMB as a matter of urgency to ascertain the truth and punish those behind this ugly act.

Physical appearance of many Principals and Directors of SEMB as reported showed that they are old enough to be called grand – mothers and fathers as their mates in the ministries have long ago retired. Aggrieved junior workers are now calling on the government to visit SEMB and set up panel and taskforce that will fish out those who want to stay longer than necessary in office with fake documents.

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