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Masters of Mankind

morningstaronline.co.uk 2 days ago

‘All for ourselves, and nothing for other people
— the vile maxim of the masters of mankind’
Adam Smith

We know who you are 
as you flit across our 
screens, board planes, 
meet in Davros, oily 
oligarchs, bonused 
bigwigs, leering landlords,
bulging bishops, celebrities
who taunt, tease and trick us, 
addled academics,
entitled royals 
aimless heads still intact

you still fleece us 
with our permission 
torture us with gifts
but kill us daily also
with the hopes you ration
and betray

you know us better
than we know ourselves
until we come for you,
that is, as we will

Simon Haines is a language teacher, textbook writer and folk musician.

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