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‘All he does is go after Yahoo boys,’ Netizens drag EFCC boss over failure to arrest Yahaya Bello

Ripples Nigeria 2 days ago

Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), Ola Olukoyede, has come under fire from social media users following the inability of the agency to arrest the immediate past governor of Kogi State, Yahaya Bello, after he was declared wanted.

Olukoyede had set himself up for ridicule when he stated that he would rather resign from his position if he failed to arrest Bello and bring him to justice.

But months later, several attempts to arrest and prosecute the erstwhile governor has failed, leading to many Nigerians questioning if he is above the law.

On Wednesday, a social media user, with the handle @FirstLadyShip raised the question on why the EFCC has failed to arrest Bello, a poser which triggered a lot of responses, most of which pointed to the fact that Olukoyede had failed to match his words with action.

“This current EFCC chairman is yet to arrest Yahaya Bello. He is yet to arrest a single high profile looter. All he does is go after Yahoo Boys & petty thieves. He is fighting financial crimes on television, & on the pages of newspapers.

“When I look at some case files and see the humongous amount of money stolen, I wonder how we are still surviving. If you see some case files, you will weep – EFCC Chairman, Ola Olukoyede,” she posted.

Responding under the post, other users took turns to bash the anti-corruption boss as well as the Commission.

@Chaplinez wrote: “Come on, so to hide for Naija dey easy as far as you get money. So tey EFCC no know where Yahaya Bello dey. For a man used to comfort, can he be hiding comfortably and yet not seen? It can’t be that he’s hiding in discomfort na. He even demands that he be tried in Kogi. Na wa o!!”

@Firstladyship responded: “It takes a special kind of guts to come from Yahaya Bello & Dino Melaye’s Kogi, & be dragging Ekiti state. People get mind shaa.

“No offense to the people of Kogi. This is the season for dragging nonperforming states. 🤣

@VincentChidi6 said: “Fear people that sound this way, they are the worst. Common Yahaya Bello you can’t arrest.”

@DavidAdew added: “Politics and power play isn’t as easy as you guys think.

“There are powers more potent than that of the President himself,powers within powers.

“If JFK can be taken out and a whole CIA Director at a time in USA. I wonder who is safe once you step out of line.”

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