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Egypt to host Sudan peace talks

radiotamazuj.org 3 days ago

As part of efforts to end the ongoing war in Sudan, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited Sudanese political forces, armed movements and civil actors to hold inclusive talks in Cairo on July 6 and 7.

The talks are expected to focus on ending the conflict between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF), delivering humanitarian assistance, and forming a unified vision for the post-conflict period.

However, it remains unclear if the army and the RSF will attend the meeting.

Speaking to Radio Tamazuj on Wednesday, the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces, a Sudanese umbrella group also known as Taqaddum, announced its participation in the Cairo Conference, which brings together Sudanese political and civil groups to discuss ways to end the war and address humanitarian issues.

A leading Taqaddum figure, Mohammed Al-Faki Suleiman, told Radio Tamazuj that they would attend the conference with an open mind and a strong sense of responsibility.

He emphasized the prioritization of the overwhelming humanitarian disaster affecting the Sudanese. “We will present our vision on how to expedite efforts for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Sudan,” he said.

Meanwhile, Sudanese political analyst Hatim Ayoub Aboulhassan stated: “The conference is an opportunity to gather Sudanese political factions to develop a vision to end the war and silence the guns.”

Aboulhassan revealed that the conference management aims to produce a joint declaration. He also highlighted that there were complexities facing the conference due to the limited timeframe, with the main challenge being the joint political declaration, seen as potentially undermining the previous alliances and declarations.

Aboulhassan noted that it remained uncertain whether the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Abdel Wahid, and the SPLM-N, led by Abdul-Aziz Adam al-Hilu, would attend.

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