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Sen. Natasha Akpoti:”Godswill Akpabio Always Says To Me, We Are All Men Here, Speak Like A Man”

awardnobs.com 5 days ago

Sen. Natasha Akpoti:"Godswill Akpabio Always Says To Me, We Are All Men Here, Speak Like A Man"
In a Channels Television interview, Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan described her experiences as a female senator. Speak like a man, she said, since we are all men in the Senate House, according to Senate President Godswill Akpabio. She went on to say that she doesn’t focus on her gender at work as she projects expertise rather than femininity. READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

Speaking further in the video, she stated that as women they have learned to raise their voices in the Senate House whenever they are not heard. She further stated that in Kogi State, some people said she fought like a man during the campaign.

According to her, “We’ve learned to raise our voices up; we raise our voices up when we are not heard. Senate President Akpabio always says, Senator Natasha, We are all men here, so speak like a man; there is no stopping the ground for you; you decided to be here, so you have to forge ahead like a man. When I speak, I like to focus on the context of what I say, and I don’t take into consideration that I am a woman, so I don’t present feminity at work; I present competence. I’m a woman and I’m a senator, and I was duly elected like everyone in the Senate, and I speak my ground. In Kogi State, they said, I even fought tougher than a man.”READ FULL STORY HERE>>>CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING>>>

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