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Letter to Nigerians on support for President Tinubu

Blueprint 4 days ago

Fellow country men and women,

I write this open letter to you out of my patriotic duties and not because of my political leanings. Indeed, some of us are passing through some of the most difficult moments in the history of our country but we must not forget that many administrations have come and gone. And, for the avoidance of doubt, the difficulties we are facing today were not brought about by the present administration but by the many actions and inactions of what was done and what was not done by previous administrations in the country be they military or civilians.

The present administration has never claimed it has any magic wand to solve the myriad of problems confronting the country in one year but it indeed promised that through the abiding faith of all Nigerians and the strategic plans and policies it has put in place we shall overcome within the shortest possible time. Indeed, the present realities in our country are tough which our amiable and indefatigable President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has consistently declared he knows and feels our pain.

But we must realise the fact that policies like the removal of fuel subsidy, floating of the naira against other currencies and the directive by Mr President that the Oronsaye report on the rationalisation of ministries, departments and agencies of the federal government, etc are reforms that must be carried out to save our country from the days of yore and not meant to punish the masses of our country. We must accept that the present policies and reforms in all sectors of our national life being embarked upon by the Asiwaju Tinubu’s renewed hope administration is a bitter pill which we must swallow to take us soonest to the promised land.

The elections are over and there can be only one victor in an election but I want to admonish us that what is left is for us, together with total sincerity of heart, stand in unison and remember the words of our forebears who said inter alia that in unity we stand. We should continue to support President Tinubu in his efforts to make our country great again. We should all remember that this president is a man that is globally renowned as one of the greatest transfornative leaders in history.

President Tinubu is ever ready to confront the very labyrinth of problems we have today because he is a dealer in hope. As a listening leader, he knows that some of his policy initiatives are difficult but we must also remember that he has put in place many palliatives to mitigate the pains occasioned by these policies.

Throughout history, my fellow country men and women, no nation has achieved any substantial leap without a leader with vision, strategic plans and the ability to carry its citizens along. I assure you that very soon, our progress and developments in all its ramifications will come to fruition when the seeds of the president’s policies begin to manifest. This will serve as a memento to us all that our sacrifices are, after all, not in vain. This president means well, my dear compatriot as he is not one whose policies are mere political gimmics, vain sloganeering or wishful thinking initiatives but one diagnosed to confront our myriad of problems in all its totality.

We must trust this president because throughout his political life starting from his days in the opposition in the country to his reign as governor of Lagos state where he transformed the state from one of the most dirty states in Africa to one of the best mega cities in the world with the greatest economic potential, he has been a truly compassionate leader. Before long, we shall be singing praises to our Creator for giving us President Tinubu at this time of our history. It is a time really for sober reflections, sacrifice, patriotism and dedication. It is never a time to sing anti-democratic songs and wailing but a time to honour our national flag, rededicating ourselves to our great national anthem that reminds us of our obligations to our country. We have no other country to call our own and together we must stand in abiding faith to salvage Nigeria.

Our president was one of those who fought for the attainment of democracy in Nigeria. It is on record that the attainment of democracy in Nigeria didn’t come easy, it is also on record that after the late Chief MKO Abiola, who paid the supreme price for the attainment of our present democratic status, President Tinubu is the second among the warriors that fought for this hard earned democracy.

Finally, I am appealing to us all not to heat up the polity but come together in support of President Tinubu and pray for him to succeed. Our country will be great again under the Tinubu administration because I believe he is working to write his name in the stars through his legacies.

Thank you all.

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Long live the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!

Barrister Halima Alfa Gaya Phd, a legal luminary and public affairs analyst, writes from Abuja

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