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How Satellite Connectivity Helps Rural, Small Businesses Achieve Digital Transformation

Forbes 2024/10/4

Mike Tippets, VP at Hughes, has a dynamic and passionate vision of digital transformation and communication for 21st-century businesses.

Small businesses are the backbone of local communities, particularly in rural areas where they play a crucial role in fostering economic stability and bringing communities together. According to data from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, “small businesses employ nearly half of the American workforce.” Their deep-rooted relationships within the community enable them to offer personalized customer service and build lasting relationships with their patrons.

Yet, for long-term success, these businesses need to be connected to the internet. Supply chain, e-commerce, customer communication, employee training and other business activities require connectivity that many of us take for granted. Here are a few things connectivity can provide to a business.

Improved Communication

From internet and intranet access to digital marketing and inventory management, enhanced connectivity can provide rural businesses with improved internal and external communications, bridging the communication gap between employees and customers. Businesses in rural areas need advanced connectivity methods to communicate more effectively with customers and suppliers through video conferencing, email services and other online communication tools.

For example, dependable internet allows for high-quality video conferencing so rural businesses can hold virtual meetings with clients, suppliers and team members anywhere in the world. If a business leader needs to communicate to their employees quickly about an updated store policy, a reliable, secure, internet connection is critical to delivering this time-sensitive information.

Advanced E-Commerce

Reliable connectivity also enables rural businesses to establish online storefronts and expand their customer reach without needing an actual store. Cloud access is essential for creating an effective online storefront, as it provides scalability and an improved shopping experience, enabling businesses to handle increased traffic during peak periods without a significant investment in physical infrastructure.

Advanced connectivity for e-commerce opportunities also pertains to at-home businesses that seek to bolster their online presence. It can help lesser-known retailers build strong relationships with customers who will be more likely to purchase an item in person if they know they can reorder it online, further expanding growth and other opportunities that the business’s location may hinder.

Education And Training Opportunities For Employees

Advanced connectivity solutions help facilitate access to a wide range of online training courses and platforms for their employees. This allows businesses to further invest in their workforce, fostering trust and engagement while enhancing customer service and satisfaction.

For rural businesses too often constrained by reliable internet accessibility, solving the connectivity challenge can help them manage compliance training, stay updated on industry trends and monitor competitors’ strategies. In the age of emerging technologies, it’s essential to educate employees on the latest business trends. By having a stable internet connection, businesses can remain competitive while providing employees with the opportunity to fine-tune necessary skills.

Solving The Connection Problem

Connectivity in remote areas is complex. Cable and fiber providers must make investments where there’s enough population density to recover their buildout costs. Rural communities are less dense and are often not a priority. Wireless service, such as 4G LTE is more prevalent, but the distance from a tower can make the service unreliable.

Satellite connectivity delivers a solution. With coverage already in place, rural business owners can have a dish installed and connect to the internet with no waiting. In areas where there’s 4G LTE service available, the connectivity can be combined with satellite service and provide a more robust and reliable service offering.

When evaluating satellite connectivity, there are a couple of factors to consider. Geosynchronous (GEO), or geostationary, services use satellites that cover large geographic areas and are a cost-effective way to connect rural locations. The trade-off is latency, which is the time it takes for the signal to travel up and back from the satellite. For internet browsing, email and video streaming, latency isn’t an issue. But for video conferencing and many cloud-based applications, there may be a slight delay in services. One solution to the latency issue is combining satellite service with a 4G LTE wireless connection, utilizing the wireless connection for latency-sensitive applications and the satellite connection for larger data transmissions.

Another option that has emerged over the past couple of years is low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, which orbit the Earth at a lower altitude, reducing latency. LEO services are ideal for rural businesses that use real-time applications like video conferencing daily. However, LEO services aren’t always the most cost-effective or reliable. If LEO providers don’t offer service-level agreements, the connection is considered “best effort,” and at times of high usage, it can be less reliable.

Rural businesses that utilize a reliable, low-latency internet connection can not only advance their companies but also improve communication methods with employees and customers, broaden e-commerce opportunities and provide employees with the education and training to advance their careers.

Given the integral role small businesses play within their local communities, it’s important to ensure they’re equipped with advanced connectivity. These businesses not only drive economic growth but also serve as social hubs, fostering a sense of community and belonging. Cutting-edge connectivity solutions enable them to enhance business operations, better serve their customers and contribute more effectively to the overall development of their regions.

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