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I turned DNA detective and found my real dad

mirror.co.uk 2024/10/5

An AncestryDNA test helped Luke Oliveira-Davies uncover an extraordinary family secret, setting the filmmaker on an epic journey to discover his true identity

Luke Oliveira Davies (right) and biological father Carlos

This year’s Father’s Day will be anything but conventional for Luke Oliveira-Davies.

For a start, the 32-year-old has two people to mark the occasion with: the man he called “Dad” for almost three decades, and the biological father he never knew existed until just four years ago.

Indeed, 16 June will be a stark reminder of the life-fracturing event that changed everything about who he thought was and where he had come from.

It was a journey of discovery that began in November 2019 when Luke took an AncestryDNA test. Always curious to know more about his family history, he was intrigued by what the results might show.

“I was questioned a lot about the way I looked and where I was from,” says Luke. “People never seemed happy when I said ‘Rochdale’. I wanted to make sense of myself.”

The test showed he was 32.5% Iberian, 22.5% West African, and just 23% English. Confused, he showed the results to his mother, Liz, who then proceeded to drop a bombshell.

“I knew at that moment Mum had something important to say,” Luke says. “She immediately stopped looking at me.”

Liz revealed that her husband, Gary – the man who had helped raise Luke and who he had always known as “Dad” – was not actually his father. Instead, Luke had been conceived during a holiday romance with a bartender during a trip to Portugal, shortly before she began dating Gary.

Luke as a young boy with mum Liz

On becoming pregnant, Liz was unsure which of the two men was the unborn child’s father. But on the advice of her doctor she went ahead with the pregnancy, only learning the truth when Luke was born. Fearing what it might mean for her burgeoning relationship with Gary, she chose to keep it a secret.

In a double dilemma, Gary only learned the truth at the same time as Luke, in January 2020.

“There was some frustration and anger a bit further down the line on my part, but ultimately I needed to make sense of what had happened and why,” says Luke, a Manchester-based independent filmmaker.

“Mum had faced pressure at the time to go ahead with the pregnancy, and because no one questioned her about the way I look, she chose not to say anything.

“There was a natural desire to have a family and not have any turmoil in their lives, so her decision came from a good place. But I don’t think she imagined you’d be able to do a postal DNA kit 25 years later!

“I knew I wanted to find my real father, but didn't know where to begin. All I had was his first name, Carlos, and that he had worked in a bar in Albufeira.”

Luke’s DNA test had matched him with a Portuguese half first cousin, Renato. With the help of genealogists, Luke discovered that they shared a grandfather, João, who had been stationed in Guinea-Bissau during the country’s War of Independence with Portugal during the 1960s and 1970s.

João had returned to Europe not knowing he’d fathered a son with Luke’s grandmother Libania. As a teenager, Carlos would also relocate to Portugal, under pressure from the West African community, who ostracised him for being the son of a Portuguese serviceman.

Luke with (from left) half-brothers Ben and Hugo, and dad Carlos

The breakthrough in Luke’s search to find his biological father came during his own trip to Portugal, where he found the bar Carlos had worked in when he met Liz. The owner was able to provide crucial details about Carlos, who was not only still alive, but living in London.

The genealogists tracked down and made contact with Carlos, and there followed an anxious two-week wait while he took his own DNA test. It returned a 50% match with Luke – proof that they were father and son.

The pair enjoyed an emotional meeting, where Carlos, who runs a cafe in London, asked Luke, “How has your life been?” The pair have stayed in contact, texting every few days and meeting up every couple of months. Luke says they plan to have dinner together to celebrate this year’s Father’s Day.

“Knowing more about where I’ve come from has changed how I feel about myself,” explains Luke. “I have a sense of belonging. Building a relationship with Carlos and learning about my grandparents has given me power in my own identity. I’m proud to talk about being mixed race.

“I’ve even added part of my grandfather João’s surname to mine in honour of that side of my heritage.

“But Gary will always be my dad, and this has brought us closer together as a family. We didn’t want to just sweep things under the rug. They have been a part of my journey – they knew every update. I’ve been able to find the answers I needed and explore this new dynamic with Carlos, but my parents are always the ones I go home to.

“Being open and honest is what has kept our family together.”

Discover your unique story with 30% off AncestryDNA* at ancestry.co.uk

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