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These 5 Bed Time Habits Can Change Your Life

freepressjournal.in 2 days ago

Everything big or little thing you do in your life everyday affects your personality, your thoughts and eventually your future, for good or bad. It is essential to understand how we hold the strings to resolving our miseries and paving a path to to our desires. Realising that you have the ability to control your own life and shape it the way you wish to will make you take steps to make changes in your routine.

A good night's sleep is important for proper functioning of your brain. But do you know, over the past few years, we have been exhausting our brain by not sleeping well. It can be associated with many habits we follow before we go to bed. Sleeping not only restores our energy but also helps us maintain a positive mood and improve mental function. Here are five habits you need to inculcate in your routine to have a healthy sleep cycle.

Keep the distractions away from your bed

Make sure you only come to bed for a good night's sleep. The reason you might not be able to sleep properly or on time could be increased screen time on your phone or TV. It is a fact that the brightness of the screen keeps you alert, hindering with your sleep. Set alarms to keep your screens away before going to bed.

Pause all mental activity two hours before bed

If you performing any activity that requires maximum functioning of the brain, make sure you keep it all aside at least two hours before you go to bed. If you bring your work home or are helping your kids with their work, you need to pause it and start rewinding two hours before going to bed. Preparing to sleep will calm your mind and give you a better sleep.

Be consistent with the sleeping time

Once you start going to bed at a particular time everyday, your mind will adapt to shutting down around the same time. Do the same while waking up in the morning. Going to bed and waking up at the same time can help you with consistency.

Avoid eating minimum two hours before going to bed

Eating 2 hours before you go to bed will help with digestion and you won't go to bed bloated or feel any digestive discomfort. Also, try not eat or drink anything with high sugar content or high caffeine content two hours before you go to sleep. It might keep you awake, affecting your sleep.

Recall good moments of your day and make affirmations

After you are all tucked in your bed, it is a good habit to recall you day, recall the good moments, as well as the bad ones. This might give you a new perspective of looking at people and situations. Also, be kind to yourself and make affirmations that will help you wake up with a positive energy.

These steps are essential and truly life changing if practiced with consistency.

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