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We Must Not Fail

thegazellenews.com 5 days ago

The sabotage against PBAT began long before he became the president of this country. He should be the first in the history of Nigerian politics to face the worst attacks even from the members of his own party. Thus he had no other options than to rely on those who did not and do not want him in Aso Rock. This is one of the major reasons we find ourselves in the present situations and hardship. However, there is good news and there is bad news. The good news is that the real people who brought PBAT to Aso Rock are the masses and they have not lost hope in him. They are many in number. The bad news is that the few saboteurs are more “powerful” than the masses because they hold on to what belongs to all as their own.

Oil wells used to be owned by the Government of Nigeria. But most of them have found their ways to the hands of individuals due to high power corruption. How did someone whose only vocation was civil service manage to own multi billion dollars oil wells? These people are cronies to the International Oil Companies that treat Nigerians like nonentities. These are the characters who have been holding the country by the jugular. The greatness of Nigeria will remain a mirage if nothing is done about these nurturers of retrogression.

Everyone in Nigeria knows that everything revolves around the oil and its byproducts. An increase in its price is an increase in the prices of goods and services. Those saboteurs have been behind the problems in the oil and gas sector. The only thing they enjoy doing is to eat out of people’s sorrows. They have started to sabotage Dangote refinery. If Dangote can get supply of crude to refine locally and oil marketers can get the refined products locally, it will ease off the pressure on the Naira. The prices of petroleum products will be half of what it is now and life will become better for the masses than it is at the moment. This is what these saboteurs do not want.

Everyone takes Nigeria for granted. International Oil Companies that are supposed to be existing at the mercy of the country parade themselves as the benefactors to the country. This happens due to corruption on the part of our elites. It’s only in Nigeria that guests dictate to the hosts.

PBAT should be decisive by taking bold steps. He should resist the pressure to increase the pump price of pms. They say that the refined products are being smuggled to neighbouring countries. What then is the duty of Customs? Are the smugglers not human beings? PBAT should do something about his Ministers who do not perform. He should be more presidential than he is at the moment. He should continue to say no to any anti-people policies and it shall be well with him. He should embrace merit in his appointments for which he was known as the Lagos State Governor. If mediocres are in charge, the brains will go abroad.

We the masses should think of getting more involved in matters that affect us most. We should know that no one will give us our rights, not even our parents, until we ask for them. This is not about a party, ethnicity or religion. It’s about our own survival. Let us reason together once. The hardship in the land doesn’t isolate anyone and it doesn’t recognise ethnicity, parties or religion. May the Almighty God bring relief to the land.

Ayoade Davidson Ojeniyi FCA, is a social critic and commentator 

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