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Christodoulakis on PASOK Elections: The Party Needs the Confidence of Victory

protothema.gr 5 days ago

Christodoulakis supports Haris Doukas, believing that during critical times, clear positions are essential. He sees a great opportunity and challenges ahead, noting that the European elections showed citizens’ disapproval of ND’s choices and their demand for an alternative governance proposal, which only PASOK can provide.

He elaborated, “It is time to unite social forces and move beyond intra-party divisions. We need the confidence of victory, which the democratic world and Haris Doukas symbolize. This confidence will enable us to present our political priorities and propose a different governance model, allowing us to address society’s needs effectively.”

On PASOK’s Governance Model:

Christodoulakis emphasized the need to confront oligopolies and cartels, reassess the role of banks, ensure a fair tax system, and strengthen the country’s productive forces. He stressed the importance of quality services, a welfare state, and the protection of institutions and democracy while addressing private debt and citizens’ real problems.

On Doukas’ Dual Role:

Responding to criticism that Doukas cannot be both the mayor of Athens and the leader of PASOK, Christodoulakis defended Doukas’ decision. He argued that the municipality of Athens is central to politics and that its problems are connected to national issues. He believes that Doukas’ open, participatory, and collective approach will be effective in both roles, helping to decentralize and inspire citizens.

Christodoulakis underlined that PASOK, as the central pillar, is essential for expanding the center-left with a governmental perspective. He acknowledged Nikos Androulakis’ contribution in achieving double-digit support for PASOK but believes a larger leap is needed. Reaching out to broader social audiences with a clear plan and vision is crucial for the party’s future.

On the Avgenakis Incident:

Christodoulakis condemned the former minister Lefteris Avgenakis’ violent behavior towards an airport employee and his “you know who I am” attitude. He highlighted that such behavior contributes to citizens’ disillusionment with politics and stressed the need to restore ethics, dignity, and humanity in politics to rebuild trust in society. Without these values, he warned, the majority of Greek society might turn away from traditional politics or seek anti-systemic alternatives.

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