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Do You Really Need To Floss? Yes!

blackdoctor.org 2 days ago

do you need to floss

A beautiful smile does a lot for you. Studies show that smiles make us more attractive, lower stress, elevate our mood, and make us look younger! But, what have YOU done for your smile lately? Nearly 50 percent of adults 30 years old or older have periodontal disease (like gingivitis or the more advanced periodontitis) in the U.S. and that number spikes to 65 percent in adults 65 years old or older. Gum disease is both preventable and reversible if you take the time to show your gums a little bit of extra love daily. That love looks like flossing.

I know, it’s the hygiene chore most of us love to hate. In 2015, an American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) survey showed that 27 percent of U.S. adults lie to their dentist about how often they floss their teeth, with 15 percent saying they’d rather wash dirty dishes than floss. We know we’re supposed to do it, but make every excuse not to. 

Dr. Wayne Aldredge, President of the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), spoke with BlackDoctor.org about gum disease and the best steps to prevent it. You’ll be flossy in no time!

BlackDoctor.org: Why do you believe people resist flossing in the first place? 

Dr. Aldredge: Many people falsely think that flossing is too time-consuming or just not that important. Flossing is not the most fun thing to do, but it is one of the most essential things people need to do to live a healthy lifestyle.

Poor oral hygiene, such as not flossing or brushing twice daily, is a primary cause of periodontal disease, which is commonly referred to as gum disease. Having healthy gums and a great smile starts with flossing. While periodontal disease is mostly preventable, treatable, and in many cases reversible, an alarming number of Americans are affected as a result of not properly caring for their gums.

The American Academy of Periodontology launched the Love The Gums You’re With educational campaign to help people make the connection between healthy gums and a healthy smile. Taking care of your gums shouldn’t be an afterthought – they are the foundation of good oral health and support the sparking white teeth and smiles we all aspire to have.

BlackDoctor.org: What IS the high cost of not flossing regularly?

Dr. Aldredge: The consequences of not flossing are too serious to ignore. If you do not floss regularly you are putting yourself at risk for periodontal disease, which is caused by bacteria below the gum line that irritates the gums. There are more than 500 bacterial species in dental plaque and simply brushing your teeth won’t remove the bacteria. Flossing helps remove the bacteria that get below the surface Also, the symptoms of advanced periodontal disease are not pleasant – swollen, bloody, pus-ridden gums, loss of teeth, mouth sores, and bad breath are all aftereffects of poor oral hygiene. The early warning signs of periodontal disease are usually painless, so people don’t often realize the immediate consequences of not flossing.

Periodontal disease affects 67 million Americans—that’s one out of every two American adults over the age of 30, 2.5 times more people than are affected by diabetes.

African American Black man flossing teeth
BlackDoctor.org: What methods are available, if any, to make flossing easier for people?

Dr. Aldredge: There are a number of methods and devices that enable a person to clean the spaces between the teeth. Using a floss holder, interdental brush, or electronic device—whichever is recommended by a person’s dentist—after eating and drinking can help remove food particles and plaque from spaces that brushing cannot reach.

Cleaning in between the teeth daily, in addition to twice-daily brushing and seeing a periodontist annually for a comprehensive periodontal evaluation, is the best way to maintain healthy gums and prevent periodontal disease.

BlackDoctor.org: What type of floss do you recommend for best results?

Dr. Aldredge: Patients should consult with their dentists about which types of floss best suit their individual needs. Waxed floss typically glides more easily between the teeth, especially teeth that are close together. While unwaxed floss has no coating, some find that its thinness allows it to get between teeth more easily. The important thing to remember is that regardless of which type of floss you use, you should use it every day.

BlackDoctor.org: Random question, but is flossing still recommended for people who eat a primarily liquid diet?

Dr. Aldredge: Yes, flossing is still recommended for those who are on a liquid diet. Sugars and other remnants from many drinks can remain in the mouth and on the teeth, allowing bacteria to grow below the gum line. Flossing can help remove disease-causing bacteria.

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