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Group seeks end to looting, vandalisation of gov’t properties

nannews.ng 2024/6/16
Group seeks end to looting, vandalisation of gov’t properties

Group seeks end to  looting, vandalisation of gov’t properties

A group, Noble Minds Initiative for the Discouragement of Vandalisation of Public Equipment has condemned the frequent looting and vandalisation of government properties across the country.

The Chairman of the organisation, Ikechukwu Chukwu, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja on Wednesday, that such acts hamper national development.

Chukwu said that efforts should be put in place by individuals, corporate organisations and non-governmental organisations across the country to ensure that the issue of vandalisation of public equipment comes to an end.

He said that such a move was necessary for Nigeria to attain the desired development, stressing the need to end vandalisation of government properties henceforth.

Chukwu said: “Noble Minds Initiative will be involved in the advocacy to sanitise refiners and miners of minerals, Oil and Gas curb looting and vandalisation of government properties so as to boost the economy of the country.

“The need to eliminate looting and vandalism, bunkering, exploitation, hoarding, dubious middlemen, sharp business practices, artificial scarcity and adulteration of fuel products in the chain of distribution needs to end.

“To this end, a commissioner will be appointed in every state of the federation, including the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, as the eye of the organisation and to carry out the organisation’s activities.

“All the 37 Commissioners would be inaugurated on June 11, in Abuja.”

Chukwu said that the organisation, when fully in operation, would protect and encourage youths in the country to engage in legal minerals mining and oil and gas business in all the states and Local Government Areas in Nigeria.

This, he said, would curb looting and vandalisation of government properties.

He added that the organisation would assist and support non-profit organisations to utilise their goals by transforming the social sector landscape in Nigeria through the use of practical training and capacity building.

Chukwu added, “We will also encourage members to build more mineral mining sites, to build modular refineries, filling stations, gas plants, renewable and alternative energy products and consumer shops to meet the increasing demand of goods and services.”

According to him, this will help to stabilise price fluctuations.

The Secretary of the organisation, Innocent Ogu, also told NAN that the organisation would ensure continuous availability, easy access and supply of unadulterated kerosene, cooking gas and fuel.

Ogu, however, expressed displeasure over artificial scarcity of petroleum products from time to time in the country, adding that the group would contribute its quota to tackle it.

He said the organisation leverages free will donations, levy from members and grants from international organisations to do interventions and would judiciously use it for the good of the nation.(NAN)

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