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Trump's Role in the ATF Bump Stock Ban Revealed: NRA Influence and Supreme Court Drama

apexlifehub.com 2 days ago

On December 18, 2018, Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker announced that the Department of Justice has amended the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), clarifying that bump stocks fall within the definition of 'machinegun' under federal law, as such devices allow a shooter of a semiautomatic firearm to initiate a continuous firing cycle with a single pull of the trigger. The Rule banning bump stocks took effect in 2019. At that time, Matt Whitaker was acting Attorney General. He took over as head of the DOJ after Trump had replaced Jeff Sessions. Witaker was likely not thrilled with the task of promulgating an agency rule banning bump stocks, but he did so as he had been ordered.

The ATF and Bump Stock Ban: Many people fail to notice the elephant in the room, namely, who in the Executive Branch of Government at the time ordered the ATF to craft a rule banning bump stocks. The DOJ-ATF ruling came on Donald Trump’s watch, not on Joe Biden’s. It was Donald Trump who ordered the crafting of the illegal Rule. The NRA has a long history of using bureaucratic rule-making to take the wind out of Congress’ sails when they 'had' to pass a new law to correct some perceived 2A injustice. Trump's Influence: Trump followed the gun lobby’s lead in relying on the court to ensure that shooters have access to bump stocks. Influence from the NRA weighed heavily on his decision-making process. NBC News reported that 'Former President Donald Trump didn’t really want to ban bump stocks. When he did, he knew the Supreme Court was likely to overturn his action.' Supreme Court Drama: In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court overturned the bump stock ban, revealing Trump's true feelings on the issue after a seven-year political drama. This decision has significant implications for both the gun rights debate and Trump's political strategy. Backlash and Fallout: The ruling could potentially unleash a backlash that helps President Joe Biden and hurts Trump in their November rematch. Democrats and shadowy forces propping up Biden now have much to worry about. The Truth Revealed: The reports shed light on an inconsistency between Trump’s promises and his actions, but they should placate those who may feel betrayed by his actions. With the truth out in the open, a flurry of Left-wing News reports have followed, questioning Trump's support for citizens' unalienable right to armed self-defense. Conclusion: Trump's role in the ATF bump stock ban reveals the complex interplay between political influences, legal decisions, and NRA lobbying efforts. The Supreme Court's decisive action has brought this issue to the forefront, raising questions about the balance between gun rights and regulatory measures.