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'Get rid of this radical': Ilhan Omar bashed online as she faces ethics complaint for holding campaign event with ex-Somali PM

meaww.com 2024/10/5
'Get rid of this radical': Ilhan Omar bashed online as she faces ethics complaint for holding campaign event with ex-Somali PM
The ethics complaint was based on Rep Ilhan Omar's involvement in an campaign event with former Somali prime minister Hassan Ali Khaire (Getty Images, X/@drcaaro)

MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA: The American Accountability Foundation (AAF), a conservative watchdog group, has filed an ethics complaint against Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar on July 3.

The complaint was based on her involvement in an event with former Somalia prime minister Hassan Ali Khaire.

Alleged violations of federal election laws

Hassan Ali Khaire attended a campaign event for Omar (D-Minn), urging voters to support her. AAF claims this action may have breached the Federal Elections Campaign Act.

In their statement, the AAF expressed grave concerns about Omar's conduct, “We are deeply concerned by Ilhan Omar’s illegal campaign rally with the former Prime Minister of Somalia. Omar already has a long history of statements indicating her disdain for America and allegiance to Somalia, but this goes beyond statements. Now her campaign has taken action to involve a foreign leader in an American election. She must resign immediately and return every dollar raised for her at this disgraceful rally.”

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - NOVEMBER 03: Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) speaks at a campaign rally for Senat
Representative Ilhan Omar speaks at a rally at the University of Minnesotas Williams Arena on November 3, 2019, in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Scott Heins/Getty Images) 

Omar’s campaign counsel David Mitrani responded quickly, dismissing the complaint as a smear campaign by the far-right.

He stated, “This ethics complaint is another attempt by the far-right to smear the Congresswoman. Congresswoman Omar’s campaign had absolutely no involvement in requesting, coordinating, or facilitating Mr. Khaire’s appearance or his comments, and a,ccordingly there was no violation of law.”

The AAF has requested the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate Omar, citing two potential infractions. First, they accused Omar of knowingly accepting Khaire's services at her campaign events, claiming his involvement went beyond permissible volunteer services by a foreign national and involved prohibited decision-making.

The AAF highlighted Khaire’s specific actions in mobilizing voter support for Omar as an example of this prohibited decision-making.

Khaire's remarks, translated by AAF, included, “Support her with your votes, tell your neighbors and friends, and anyone you know to come out and support Ilhan Omar. And knock on every door you can so that she can be re-elected.”

Additional footage online showed Khaire encouraging Omar’s supporters and emphasizing the importance of her victory in the upcoming August 13 primary.

Khaire also posted a video on X, celebrating the 64th anniversary of Somalia’s independence and unity, which took place in Minneapolis.

“I participated in the celebration of the 64th anniversary of the independence and unity of Somalia, which took place in Minneapolis. I gave a speech at the forum to participate in the joy and celebration of this historic event,” he wrote, according to a Google Translate version of his remarks.

Under federal law, candidates are prohibited from knowingly soliciting, accepting, or receiving contributions or donations from foreign nationals.

The AAF also suggested that Khaire's services to Omar's campaign might have been funded "by a prohibited source."

They cited a NewsChannelNebraska report about Khaire’s involvement in the 2024 Somali Week Festival, inferring that the Minneapolis-based nonprofit group Ka Joog might have sponsored Khaire’s trip to the US.

The complaint stated, “Omar’s acceptance of Mr Khaire’s providing his campaign services indicates that Rep. Omar knowingly accepted a corporate contribution associated with Mr Khaire’s travel and lodging costs to galvanize an important constituency ahead of her August primary election.”

Khaire, who served as Somalia’s prime minister from 2017 to 2020, is a prominent figure within the Somali diaspora, which is a significant constituency in Omar’s district.

Omar faces a challenging primary against former Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels.

Earlier this year, Omar was slammed over remarks that some translated to, “The US government will do what we tell the US government to do. As long as I’m in Congress no one will take Somalia’s sea. And the United States will not support other people to rob us.”

This primary is part of a broader wave of challenges against members of the “Squad” and reflects divisions within the Democratic Party over the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Omar, one of the first two Muslim-American women elected to the House, has been a vocal critic of Israel’s actions in Gaza, a stance that has sometimes been labeled as antisemitic, the New York Post reported.

Ilhan Omar excoriated on social media over ethics complaint

The ethics complaint against Ilhan Omar has sparked quite a backlash against the congresswoman on social media, with many users calling for her resignation and deportation.

"There's zero reason she should even be in Congress! She's shown what she is for years!" one social media posted on X.

"Get rid of this radical once and for all please!" another wrote.

"She should’ve been expelled a long time ago. Tick Tock #Deport," read one comment.

"Does this surprise anyone?!?! She is as UNAmerican as you can get!!" another person added.

"She needs to be kicked out of Congress and deported ASAP," one individual insisted.

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