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3 Things College Can Teach Disabled Students

Forbes 2024/10/6

June is graduation and reunion season. It's a time when new college graduates and older alumni alike reflect on their achievements and what they learned, or maybe didn't learn, in college. It's a meaningful, sometimes emotional time for everyone involved. But these reflections can have a unique character and resonance for those of us with disabilities who were fortunate enough to attend and graduate from college.

How did college prepare us, as disabled students, for disabled adulthood? What did we learn that helped us cope, and hopefully thrive? What opportunities did we as disabled students miss, and why? If we could do it all over again, what additional skills and experiences would we want to acquire — would we perhaps insist on? And what do our answers suggest for what college can teach disabled students specifically — beyond some college-level study skills and the content of our courses?

This isn't as narrow or specialized a question as it might seem.

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in the 2019-2020 academic year, about 21% of undergraduate college students had some kind of disability. And about 20% of disabled adults have a college degree. That’s double the percentage that did in 2008. But it’s still less than half the 41% of non-disabled adults who have a college degree.

Whether to be pleased or dissatisfied with these figures depends on your perspective. It may seem impressive to some, depressing to others. Changes in diagnosis practices, and in how comfortable students feel to disclose their disabilities surely affect these statistics as well. It is also important to note that many students have more than one type of disability. And there are important disparities to consider among disabled students by other intersecting factors, like race, gender, class, and income.

But no matter how we count and interpret these numbers, they still represent substantial numbers of people with disabilities who in some way share the college experience. What they gain or miss from it is an important question for disabled students, both collectively and individually. And as is the case with nearly all college students, it's often clear only years later just what we as disabled college students have learned, could have learned, and how college might have served us better.

At this annual time of college transition, celebration, and reassessment, here are three things disabled students might seek to learn from college, and that colleges should try to deliberately and thoughtfully teach.

1. Adaptability and self-advocacy

One of the core challenges of living with disabilities is finding a workable balance between adjusting yourself and your expectations, and digging in and fighting for what you need and want. The trick for each of us is to find a balance that is healthy and sustainable, both practically and emotionally. Which to emphasize most depends on each person and their unique situation. And for many young people who grow up with disabilities, college is the first place where juggling adaptability and self-advocacy is first tested and practiced.

College students must learn flexibility and agility in the face of physical, administrative, and attitudinal barriers. There is a lot to be said for adapting, negotiating, compromising, and going around barriers. In fact, there is a lot of pressure in college, as in later life, to adjust our approach, even our goals, without retreating into a shell or giving up on important opportunities.

On the other hand, college is ideally also a place where disabled youth will learn how to recognize their rights and insist on them. It’s equally, if not more important to learn the skill of asking, persuading, and sometimes insisting that other people and institutions adjust their procedures and preconceptions about disability to accommodate the disabled student’s needs and ambitions. In many ways, college is both a necessary and ideal place to learn how to be assertive, not abusive – firm and persistent, not entitled or arrogant. And at the same time not meek or compliant.

Disabled people can learn this skill – as critical as any class – by seeking help and accommodations in their classes, with professors, instructors, and administrators. They can learn, often for the first time, not to be embarrassed to seek support and adjustments they need because of their disability. And they can gain valuable experience in how to keep a clear idea of where the line is for them between accommodations they need from others, and achievements that are essentially their own responsibility.

This includes "putting yourself out there" with all the optional aspects of college, too. Student organizations, athletics, campus events and traditions, even partying are all part of the college experience disabled people should be free to participate in. When they do, they can gain the confidence to no longer hang back out of fear – fear of physical barriers, social stigma, or even injury. They can learn to be assertive and daring, but also sensible and attentive to physical and mental health in ways that their particular disability may require.

In some ways, these are simply "adulting" skills that seem to be viewed as a particularly acute problem throughout student populations right now. But they have always been especially important for college students with disabilities.

2. How to present yourself as a disabled person

College is also a good place for young disabled people to ask themselves what kind of a disabled person they are going to be?

Will they try as much as possible to be like everyone else, to make their disability disappear, at least to others? Will they intentionally focus only on other things, not their disability or the everyday dilemmas it raises?

Or, will they incorporate their disability into the personality they present to the world? Will they come to identify as disabled, without pity or shame? Will they allow their disability to shape who they are without entirely defining them? Will they identify themselves as disabled if their disability isn't already known or visible? Or, if their disability is always the first thing people notice about them, what are the second and third things they want people to know about them?

How much does a disabled student want to be known as a chill, easygoing, “low maintenance” disabled person, and how much do they want people to expect assertiveness, confidence, and when necessary, strong advocacy? How much are they going to be willing to go without, bow out, and miss out on so as not to rock the boat? How much are they willing to ask for help and accommodation, even when it’s awkward to do so, in order to expand their horizons and participate fully in all the opportunities available to them in college?

More than most people, disabled people are subject to deeply conflicting social rewards and punishments, based on how they appear and come across to others. And these pressures are further distorted by ableist stereotypes of what and how disabled people are supposed to be.

College is a good place to experiment with what kind of disabled person you want to be, can be, and are most likely to be.

3. A better understanding of privilege

Disability can seem to signal an inherent lack of privilege — of practical advantage and social standing. To many this seems obvious. But that is not always the case. And the intersections of disability and privilege are always complicated.

There are two opposite but equally common and harmful stereotypes about disabled youth and what they supposedly “need.” One is that they are all timid and demoralized, and desperately need to be uplifted and praised at every opportunity. The other, opposite belief is that young disabled people are coddled, arrogant, and entitled. There can be truth in both of these, for any particular disabled student – but to widely varying degrees in different situations.

Some disabled people begin college feeling empowered and successful already, or at least highly praised and lauded for making it there at all. Others, for both practical and emotional reasons feel like they are the least likely to succeed, academically, socially, and economically. Most disabled people feel some combination of these conflicting emotions. The key point is that disability alone doesn’t always dictate economic, political, or social status, including in and after college.

Being disabled can surely be a disadvantage. But it doesn't always mean a total lack of privilege. A quadriplegic student may have more privilege than a student with a slight hearing loss – if the quadriplegic is a white man with a financially and emotionally secure family, and the hard of hearing student is a black woman who struggles financially and has little in the way of a support system. And the one disabled student in the class isn't always the clear underdog.

Nobody, least of all disabled students themselves, should be allowed to assume either that they are nothing but disadvantaged and marginalized – or that by virtue of achieving some degree of college success they are better than other people, including other disabled people.

Understanding privilege is a highly contested and politicized topic right now. But it is especially important in the most practical way for disabled people. That’s because disabled people often have to depend on people of both higher and lower status for everyday support. Also, some disabled people are both lower status in terms of being dependent on others, while at the same time higher status, or perceived as higher status, because of other factors like race, citizenship, wealth – and of course education. Knowing how to navigate this web of relationships with self-awareness, skill, and empathy can make an enormous difference in disabled people’s lives and careers. Privilege is complicated for disabled people. But it’s all the more important to them for being so. And college can be, should be, an excellent place to at least begin to figure it all out.

These questions, lessons, and growth opportunities apply to students with all kinds of disabilities – including physical, hearing, vision, neurological, mental health, and learning disabilities. But they apply differently for each person, based on a hundred different personal factors including disability type and intensity, as well as other aspects of identity, socioeconomic background, class, and of course individual personality.

It’s also important to note that not learning these things and not being taught them aren't the same thing. Colleges need to teach. But disabled students need to be receptive to learning, too.

All disabled youth and young adults need to learn these kinds of lessons, not just those who go to college. But at its best, college can be an ideal setting for this kind of growth. But this can only happen reliably if both students and the institutions that teach them pay attention to what disabled people in particular need in order to succeed and be happy as disabled adults.

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