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Kenyan Catholic Bishops Condemn Killing Of Protesters, Appeal For Calm

Independent 2 days ago

 The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) has condemned the killing of protesters, mostly young people, who have been demonstrating against a controversial government tax plan. 

The bishops have also called for calm and expressed condolences to families who have lost loved ones. 

Agency reports described a tense calm in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, as the nation was left to take stock of the violent and deadly clashes that played out, especially last Tuesday. 

Many Kenyans said they were in a state of shock at the turn of events. 

Already, 23 people have been killed in the unrest, while hundreds of others have been injured across Kenya’s major cities. 

By late Wednesday, Kenyan media reported that President William Ruto had since declined to sign the highly contentious Finance Bill 2024. 

He has instead opted to send it back to parliament for more amendments. 

It is President Ruto’s most serious crisis since coming to power almost two years ago 

In an address to the nation, Tuesday, the President called the rallies “treasonous” and deployed the military to help overwhelmed police. The judiciary has criticised the military deployment. 

Simmering discontent over the rising cost of living spiralled out of control last week as lawmakers debated the tax hikes. 

The Kenyan Bishops, however, said their opposition to the Finance Bill 2024 and generally the trend towards excessive taxation of Kenyans is well known and on record. 

“We plead with the President that he listens to the voices of so many and responds concretely to the current situation triggered by the proposed Finance bill,” said the Bishops, while at the same time cautioning young people against violence and allowing themselves to be used by extreme elements. 

“We, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops, have recently formally raised our very serious concerns on the Finance Bill to the Government. 

“We appreciate that some major revisions were done to the draft bill responding to the suggestions from the public participation, but still feel that some of our important suggestions were not addressed. 

“We call upon the legislators to be guided by their conscience in addressing this bill and the good of the Kenyans,” reads part of the Bishops’ Statement. 

The Bishops continued, “We, the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops, understand the desperation of the young people. 

“We have consistently called on the Government to be responsible for creating an environment in which young people can use their knowledge to create jobs, get employed, or pursue meaningful opportunities. 

“We are yet to see a clear and well-defined roadmap to this end. The billions siphoned from taxpayer money, for example, are enough to employ thousands of youths,” said Kenya’s prelates. 

The Bishops urged the “President, the entire government and the members of parliament” to seize the current crisis and use it for introspection. They appeal for “reflection and listening.” 

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