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Biden Drops ‘Neurological Physical’ Bombshell

wrestling-edge.com 2024/10/6
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It has come to light that Fox News correspondent and anchor Gillian Turner recently reported live from the White House on Monday after President Joe Biden called into MSNBC to double down on his instance that he would not drop out of the presidential race amid concerns over his health via Mediaite.

Turner had joined Fox’s America’s Newsroom following a report from congressional correspondent Chad Pergram on House Republicans wanting to use the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office.

“While Republicans may talk about the 25th amendment, this is largely the province of the executive branch. And because this deals with removing the president. No member can just force a vote on the 25th amendment on the spot,” Pergram concluded.

“President Biden insists he’s not going anywhere as he defends his campaign this morning. A few moments ago on MSNBC. Gillian Turner from the White House has more on what he said,” said anchor Bill Hemmer introducing Turner.

“Hi, Bill. Just wrapping up listening to that interview now that President Biden took to the airwaves essentially to reiterate what he has been saying all weekend long. He said he is in this race 110%. He is committed. He said he feels confident and insisted he does have the backing of his full party, despite voices that have been popping up since Friday calling for him to step aside,” Turner began, adding:

He said the big names who are questioning him right now — whether it’s the media, whether it’s politicians, whether it’s political competitors — are all wrong. They were wrong in 2020 and they are wrong again. Now, he did go on defense when it came to his mental and physical fitness and health. He said this interestingly, he said he had a neurological, a neurological physical in February, whatever that is. And when he was asked point blank if he has had concerns about his cognitive health, whether he has undergone any tests, he had kind of a rambling answer. Take a listen to what he said.

Turner then played some audio from Biden, “I had before I was feeling so badly before the debate, I came back they tested me before. I thought maybe I had Covid, maybe there was something wrong — I had an infection or something. They tested me. They gave me the test. I was clear, so. But look, I had a bad night. But the fact of the matter is, look at what I’m doing. I mean, let me put it this way. If there was something that was wrong that night, it’s not like it comes in. That’s one night it goes away. That’s why I’ve been out. I’ve been testing myself, been tested everywhere I go.”

“So he also penned, interestingly, a letter to congressional Democrats just a few moments ago. I’m going to read you a quick excerpt from that, he says, ‘I’ve had extensive conversations with the leadership of the party, elected officials, rank and file members, most importantly Democratic voters. Over these past ten days or so, I have heard the concerns that people have their good faith fears and worries about what is at stake in this election. I am not blind to them,’” Turner reported, concluding:

So this is the president going on defense now in the media. This comes as congressional leaders are back on Capitol Hill today. And we’re going to see more movement, presumably more dominoes falling in the race, more calls to him to bow out of this race. We have a press briefing coming up at 130. We’ll be asking the president, excuse me, the press secretary, about it.

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