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Election Watch descends on EC over ‘unilateral’ GJA decision

ghananewss.com 3 days ago
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Mrs Jean Mensa, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission of Ghana.

Pressure group Election Watch has taken on the Electoral Commission, Ghana (EC) for the decision to grant the Ghana Journalists’ Association (GJA) and the security agencies unilateral rights to take part in the special voting exercise.

The group said the EC should have consulted with political parties before arriving at such a decision, especially when there was an Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting on the day the decision was taken.

“This move is a blatant affront to democracy, transparency, and accountability,” a statement issued by Election Watch on Tuesday, July 2 said.

It later noted: “By granting GJA members the right to vote without proper consultation and clarity, the EC is creating a fertile ground for chaos and dispute.”

The pressure group is, therefore, calling on the Commission to suspend the decision, failure of which will be met with “fierce resistance”.

“We will not allow the EC to continue to undermine our democracy and perpetuate illegality using the noble GJA members.

“The EC must be held accountable for their actions, and we will ensure that they are. Their actions are a clear indication of their complicity in the grand scheme to undermine our democracy.”

Election Watch says it will continue to fight “for the integrity of our electoral process and ensure that the will of the people is reflected in the outcome of the elections”.

“The EC must be reminded that they are servants of the people, not masters.

“We will resist any attempt to subvert our democracy and ensure that the rule of law is upheld,” the statement jointly signed by convenors Jude Balma and Mark Ewusi Arkoh concluded.

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