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International Widows Day: Hon. Amaka Obi Lauds Mrs. Soludo For Uplifting Widows In The State

pmexpressng.com 4 days ago

The Transition Committee Chairman of Idemili South local government area, Hon. Mrs Amaka Obi (Iyom Ife-Abata), has lauded Anambra State First Lady, Mrs. Nonye Soludo, for uplifting widows in the state.

Hon. Obi, who made this statement today as the world marks 2024 International widows day, stated that today has been set aside to focus on effective actions and advocacy on widows’ plight.

She noted that the Anambra State Governor, Professor Charles Soludo CFR and his wife, Mrs. Nonye Soludo, are committed to rendering necessary assistance to widows in the state and implored everyone to ensure that widows of all ages and their children are extended equal opportunities for employment and qualities education.

She reiterated her commitment to the empowerment of women and youths in the council area through sustainable empowerment Initiatives.

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