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How to Integrate Tricentis Test Automation (TTA) tool with SAP Solution Manager 7.2

sap.com 2 days ago


In July 2020, SAP and Tricentis announced an exciting new partnership in software testing and test automation.

One of the aspects of this partnership is to provide the automation capabilities of Tricentis (restricted to testing SAP products) with SAP Solution Manager 7.2 to SAP Enterprise Support customers.

This new offering is called Tricentis Test Automation for SAP (acronym: TTA).

SAP SOLMAN 7.2 and TTA Capabilities

How to integrate with SAP SOLMAN 7.2?

To integrate Tricentis Test Automation tool with SAP Solution Manager 7.2, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install Tricentis Tosca: Install the Tricentis Tosca Test Automation tool on a machine where SAP Solution Manager is installed.
  2. Configure the connection to SAP Solution Manager: In Tricentis Tosca, go to the administration section and configure the connection to SAP Solution Manager by specifying the host name, port, and credentials of the Solution Manager system.
  3. Create a test repository in Solution Manager: In SAP Solution Manager, go to the Test Automation tab and create a test repository. The test repository is a database where Tricentis Tosca stores test cases, test results, and other test-related data.
  4. Create a project in Tricentis Tosca: In Tricentis Tosca, create a new project and configure it to use the test repository created in step 3.
  5. Import SAP Solution Manager requirements into Tricentis Tosca: In Tricentis Tosca, go to the integration section and import the requirements from SAP Solution Manager. This will enable Tricentis Tosca to access the requirements stored in Solution Manager and use them as the basis for test case design.
  6. Create test cases in Tricentis Tosca: In Tricentis Tosca, create test cases by combining the imported requirements with test steps and expected results.
  7. Execute test cases and report results: In Tricentis Tosca, execute the test cases and report the results back to SAP Solution Manager. The test results are stored in the test repository and can be used for reporting and analysis purposes.

SAP SOLMAN 7.2 Overview


Once these steps are completed, Tricentis Test Automation tool will be fully integrated with SAP Solution Manager 7.2 and you can use it to automate your testing process.

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