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Outrageous Wedding Demands: Nightmare Stories of Bride and Groomzillas

apexlifehub.com 1 day ago

Weddings are meant to be joyous occasions filled with love, laughter, and celebration. However, some brides and grooms take things a step too far with their outrageous demands and expectations, leaving guests shocked and appalled. Let's take a look at some of the most absurd requests made by bride and groomzillas that have left everyone dreading their next invitation.

The Demands
1. This bride insisted that all her bridesmaids wear necklaces with HER name on them, putting her own ego above her closest friends.
2. A couple expected a florist to provide $10k worth of flowers for "exposure", a clear case of exploiting vendors for their own gain.
3. A groomzilla went as far as to ask his Best Man to change his hair, showing a ridiculous level of control over his friend.
4. Another bride uninvited guests for the pettiest reasons, causing unnecessary drama and hurt feelings.
5. One bride sought a free photographer with EIGHT YEARS of experience, undervaluing the skill and talent of professionals in the industry.
6. Expecting strangers to Venmo her just because she was getting married, this bride crossed the line into pure entitlement.
7. Making up quotes from Cinderella and other nonsense, this bride lived in a fantasy world of her own making.
8. Treating her wedding as a networking event, this bride selected 15 bridesmaids with professional descriptions in the program.
9. Another bride expected thousands of coworkers to contribute to her wedding, a clear case of overstepping boundaries.
10. With their wild requirements, it's no wonder people think this couple is a little too particular.
11. An awful bridezilla demanded her bridesmaids to LOSE WEIGHT for the wedding, showing a lack of consideration for others.
12. Being overly judgmental, this bride made her guests feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.
13. Despite her sister's efforts to be considerate, this bride continued to pass judgment on others.
14. Some couples didn't even provide dinner at their wedding, a major faux pas in the world of hospitality.
15. Shockingly, some couples failed to provide ANY food for their guests, leaving them hungry and disappointed.
16. Implementing strict rules like "no sitting down all night" at a wedding is overly controlling and unreasonable.
17. Expecting guests to pay to attend a wedding is tacky and disrespectful to those who are supposed to be honored.
18. Some couples were just plain tacky in their approach to wedding planning, lacking class and elegance.
19. Sadly, some couples resorted to outright lies in order to manipulate their guests and suppliers.
20. This insensitive bride refused to give her best friends plus ones, even though they were married, showing a lack of consideration for their relationships.
21. Expecting random guests to crowdfund for airfare for the wedding party is a ridiculous and unfair request.
22. Some bridezillas eventually faced the consequences of their outrageous behavior, getting a taste of their own medicine.
23. And finally, some weddings are just complete disasters from start to finish, leaving everyone involved wishing they had never RSVP'd.

These stories serve as cautionary tales for future brides and grooms, reminding us all to approach wedding planning with grace, gratitude, and above all, respect for those who are there to share in our special day.

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