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The best climbing roses for pergolas, and the 3 rules to follow

netmums.com 2 days ago
garden pergola

Seen a lovely flower covered pergola in a garden centre or restaurant and want to recreate it at home?

It's not always easy to create a canopy of flowers, so here are the steps to follow:

1. Make sure your pergola is solid

It should be based on concrete pads on which plates or metal supports holding the uprights will be fixed. Or, in non-stony ground, use metal supports to be pressed into place.

2. Have space for the roses to climb

Pergolas are made from timber uprights with crossbeams and laterals at the top. Over time, your climbing roses will cover the crossbeams at the top.

The added weight of the roses will be heavy, so bear this in mind too.

3. Protect your pergola

If you are pouring concrete blocks, insulate this material from the rose bush roots by inserting a sheet of plastic, cut from an old bag of potting soil for example.

<p>Roses on a pergola</p>
Climbing roses and garden pergolas are a perfect pairing. Roses, with their bright and fragrant flowers, make your pergola look prettier than ever while also creating refreshing shade. (Just what we need in a heatwave!). Together, they transform your garden into a romantic and welcoming space. However, there is a lot to think about when it comes to choosing which roses to plant. What to think about first...

Rose bushes on a pergola: what to combine them with?

Combine these roses with other flowering climbers such as clematis, honeysuckle or with trained shrubs.

Also use climbers with decorative foliage which will serve as a setting for the rose blooms. Actinidia kolomikta is superb in light shade for its leaves marked with pink and silver. You might also like Henry's Virginia creeper (Parthenocissus henryana), with bronze palmate leaves marked with silver that turn red in autumn, or another Virginia creeper (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 'Elegans'), with scalloped and splashed leaves, with a hint of pink and cream.

And don't forget honeysuckles, such as Lonicera japonica 'Aureostriata' variegated with gold or the 'Mint Crisp' variety largely spotted with cream.

Top tip:  avoid overly abundant climbers that would monopolise the light at the expense of the rose bushes. This includes the large Virginia creeper (Ampelopsis veitchii), Aubert's knotweed (Polygonum aubertii), and also wisteria.

Which rose bush for your pergola?

Imagine a pergola beautifully adorned with climbing roses, their lush flowers offering a spectacle of bright colours and intoxicating fragrance, while providing beneficial shade on hot summer days.

<p>Roses on a pergola</p>
Photo credit : Shutterstock

Climbing roses are not only spectacular to look at, they also add a romantic and elegant dimension to your garden.

To help you transform your outdoor space into a true haven of peace, here are 10 varieties of climbing roses ideal  for flowering a pergola.

  • 'Pierre de Ronsard' : This climbing rose is very popular for its large, cupped, slightly scented pink flowers. It is hardy and offers abundant flowering from May until autumn.
  • 'New Dawn' : A classic among climbing roses, 'New Dawn' produces delicately scented, pale pink flowers. It is prized for its disease resistance and ability to bloom throughout the season.
  • 'Graham Thomas' : This climbing rose with bright yellow flowers is very floriferous and has a pleasant fragrance. It is perfect for adding a splash of bright color to your pergola.
  • 'Albertine' : This old climbing rose is known for its large, double, apricot-pink flowers and intense fragrance. It flowers abundantly in early summer.
  • 'Zephirine Drouhin' : A perfect choice for pergolas, as it is thornless and produces very fragrant carmine pink flowers. It tolerates partial shade, making it versatile for different locations.
  • 'Mme Alfred Carrière' : This climbing rose is ideal for pergolas thanks to its continuous flowering of slightly pinkish white flowers and its sweet fragrance. It is also disease resistant.
  • 'Iceberg' : Known for its pure white flowers and generous flowering, this climbing rose is also very disease resistant and provides a luminous effect to the pergola.
  • 'Etoile de Hollande' : This rose bush produces velvety red flowers with an intoxicating scent. It is very sturdy and perfect for quickly covering a structure like a pergola.
  • 'Claire Austin' : A beautiful climbing rose with cupped white flowers that give off a scent of myrrh. It adds a touch of elegance to any pergola.
  • 'Compassion' : With its salmon flowers and intense fragrance , this climbing rose is perfect for those looking for warmer tones and repeated flowering.
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