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Biden White House Reveals Truth About His Illness

wrestling-edge.com 3 days ago
A video clip of Presiden Joe Biden has emerged in which he could be reading "say that again" off his teleprompter. https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1808190511951356133 It has been noted...
President Joe Biden, accompanied by Vice President Kamala Harris, joined a White House staff call on Wednesday to assure his team that he is...

The exchange between White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich on Wednesday revolved around President Joe Biden’s recent debate performance and subsequent media scrutiny. Jean-Pierre cited jet lag and a cold as factors affecting Biden’s voice and energy during the debate, which Heinrich questioned.

Heinrich pressed further, questioning how Biden could still be affected by jet lag and a cold 12 days after returning from Europe, especially noting his energetic appearances afterward. Jean-Pierre defended Biden, explaining that the mention of a cold was in response to media inquiries, not an excuse for his debate performance.

The reporter continued to probe, referencing Democratic concerns about Biden’s performance and whether there were discussions about him potentially suspending his campaign or resigning, with Vice President Kamala Harris stepping in. Jean-Pierre firmly denied any such discussions, emphasizing Biden’s commitment to continuing his presidency.

“How is it that the president was still tired 12 days after returning from Europe, had a cold but then went to a Waffle House and then the following day staged such a huge comeback when he gave those North Carolina remarks. Help us understand —” she began asking before Jean-Pierre jumped in.

“Have you had a cold before?” the press secretary asked the reporter.

“Of course I’ve had a cold before,” Heinrich said.

After some crosstalk, Jean-Pierre insisted that pointing out the president had a cold was in response to the media and not an excuse given for the debate.

“There’s a cold. There’s a jet lag. You combine that. He continues to work for the American people day in and day out around the clock. Things happen. And the cold thing is something that you all pointed out during his debate. We didn’t point that out. You pointed that out his voice being hoarse,” she said.

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