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Warning: 6 Dangerous Health Symptoms That You Should Never Ignore

reportgist.com 2 days ago

When you have mild health symptoms, it can be difficult to decide whether you should see your doctor. You could be tempted to dismiss minor issues because you ‘just don’t have the time to go to the Private Clinic London’, but they can be early symptoms of much more serious health conditions.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

With that in mind, you shouldn’t ignore any of these health symptoms:

6 Health Symptoms That You Should Never Ignore

Changes Of Skin- our skin is the largest organ of our body and visible changes could be symptoms of a more serious condition. Yellowish skin colour may indicate gallbladder or liver problem. If you have growing lumps and lesions, it is important to see your Private GP London and get your condition checked out.

Abdominal Pain- gallstones, intestinal blockages, and appendicitis can be indicated by abdominal pain. If you have prolonged diarrhoea or your stool is very dark, there could be serious issues with your digestion system.

Headaches- intermittent headaches are normal, especially if you have a busy lifestyle. After taking an OTC medication and getting a good night’s sleep, the headache will usually go away. But if you also have faintness, confusion, stiff neck and fever, it could be a sign of more serious condition. If your headaches are becoming more severe or more frequent, you need to see a doctor.

Shortness Of Breath- if your shortness of breath is acute, it can be a sign of an allergic reaction, asthma, pneumonia, heart dysfunction, blood clot in the lung or COVID-19. You may need to seek medical attention if you are having shortness of breath that is not a result of exercise.

Persistent Fever- everyone has fever once in a while, but if it persists for more than three days, it’s important to see a doctor. It could be a symptom of COVID-19. Night sweats and night fevers are also early signs of cancer.

Nagging Chest Pain- if you are feeling dull pain in your chest accompanied by pain in the left arm and an overall sense of heaviness, it could be symptoms of a heart attack. These symptoms are common among men but can be somewhat subtler in women.>>>CONTINUE FULL READING HERE

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