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Yobe Reiterate Commitment Towards Security Of Corps Members

Independent 2 days ago

Yobe State government has reiterated its commitment to the security and welfare of Corps members deployed to the State. Governor Mai Mala Buni represented by the Commissioner Ministry of Youths, Sports, Community, and Social Development Barma Shettima made the plea in an address during the swearing-in ceremony of the 2024 batch ‘B’ stream I Corps Members deployed to the State.

According to him “I would again like to reiterate the commitment of the government to accord top priority to the welfare and security of Corps Members in any part of the state. I have directed all security agencies and community leaders not to rest on their oars in ensuring a conducive environment is created for all to thrive. Consequently, the government will continue to improve
facilities, and infrastructures as well as the general facelift, upgrade, and reconstruction here on camp. This is with the view to encourage training and learning under a serene atmosphere in line with the agenda of our administration to improve the human capacity of all and sundry to effectively contribute their quota to the peace and development of our dear state”.

He added “My dear compatriots, as you have taken the Oath of Service today, bear in mind that you are venturing into carving a name for yourselves. I enjoin you to be steadfast in your personal and group efforts towards the realization of the noble objectives of the Scheme. I charge you to imbibe the ground norms of the NYSC, to fortify yourselves for the greater challenges ahead”.

On her part, the State Coordinator NYSC Yobe, Salamatu A. Muhammad said that at the time of the swearing-in ceremony, a total of 1,300 Corps members were registered.

She said that the orientation course is the pivot upon which other programmes of the service year rests on, “to this extent Corps Members will be exposed to programmes and activities that will give them a better understanding of the objectives of the NYSC Scheme as well as the Environment, Language and the Culture of their host community”.

“Consequently, a comprehensive programme has been packaged which includes: Military Drills, Man ‘O’ War and Leadership Training, Language Studies, Entrepreneurship Lectures, Sports etc which you are expected to undergo during the orientation course for the purposes of training, learning and mentorship”.

The State Coordinator urged them to participate in all the camp activities which are mandatory as they will derive immense benefits from the activities. Equally, that they must obey all camp rules and respect camp officials “as acts of insubordination will not be condoned. Note; your assessment for the service year commences right here from this camp”.

Muhammad used the forum to commend the State Governor Mai Mala Buni “On this note, I will like to sincerely express our gratitude to His Excellency, Hon. Mai Mala Buni (Chiroman Gujba) for His continuous support of the NYSC Scheme in Yobe State. I am also grateful to the Chairman of the NYSC State Governing Board, as well as our collaborating Agencies, Royal Fathers, and Corps Employers for their continuous support to the Scheme”.

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