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I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here’s The “Death” Tapestry I Made

Boredpanda 2 days ago

I am a mildly autistic graphic designer, illustrator, watercolorist, pastel artist, and as of January 2024, a beginning weaver. This is my second tapestry ever. I started this during a depression that took me on a very dark journey, and I am not even joking about a visual pun. I decided to refocus and put everything I had into this piece, which now sits in my closet, wrapped up, waiting to see if it gets accepted into a juried show this fall. I want to keep the pet hair off of it.

Take a journey with me through daily photos, from when I had no clue what I was making till the end.

A special thanks to a few people in Coxsackie, NY, who keep dropping off yarn for my weaving projects, and to FabYarns in Tivoli, NY, where the sales girl helped me pick the perfect yarn for my snake. And to my awesome husband, Howard Raver, for being a sport and letting me rope him into helping me finish this with his bone carving. He is an equal partner in this project in my opinion.

What am I going to weave today? I think I will start with a little black weft

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

Maybe a little blood. Wait….Is that a beard? Nope. It is not…..

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

Someone needs to quit the cigarettes. Ya think?

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

Not happy with the egg head. I am ripping all of that out

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

Looking a little creepy, but I have to see where this is taking me…

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

Wow. He must have been really smart when he was alive

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

This is why I do my subject first. I can cover my mistakes. He also had some dental work on the front tooth

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

Much better. But I can see right through him

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

He needs a little friend. A SNEK!

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

Cake icing looking roses! This is getting better and better for me

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

The fringe would have gone on better in the beginning. Time to start begging my husband to help me… You will see….

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

I begged. He hates when I drag him into my art. But only he could carve this femur this good. Not my forte. And now it is done!

I Am A Beginner Weaver And Here's The "Death" Tapestry I Made

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