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The Type Of Cheating That Hurts Women The Most

ambajay.com 4 days ago

Cheating is hurtful, period. Cheating means there is a secret, a double life of some sort. However, if you are asking me, a marriage therapist who has worked with thousands of couples dealing with infidelity, what hurts more, physical or emotional affairs, I have a clear answer. Emotional cheating hurts more; significantly more. Betrayal is hurtful enough. However, when the woman believes that the man has deep feelings for another woman, that hurts even deeper.…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

Most women thrive on the emotional connection with their partner. That is the foundation of their aliveness; not the physical connection. The intimate connection flows directly from the emotional connection. I have seen women respond painfully but overall, not as painful when…Read Full Story…>>>…Click Here To Continue Reading>>

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