Is Implantation Bleeding a Sign of Pregnancy
When a woman gets pregnant, her body can experience symptoms even before she can take a pregnancy test. Are you bleeding or spotting just before your menstrual period? Could it be an early sign of pregnancy? Should you be worried about this bleeding in early pregnancy? Come, let’s find out.
When a sperm successfully enters and fertilises an egg, it becomes an embryo. This embryo will next travel down the fallopian tube, enter the uterus, and attach to the uterine wall. This is known as implantation.
During implantation, many women experience mild bleeding or spotting that can go on for a few days. This can be very similar to the spotting some women experience before their menstrual period starts.
Implantation bleeding is an early pregnancy symptom some women experience. It can occur between 10 – 14 days after ovulation, which is the time the egg needs for fertilisation and to develop into an embryo. When the embryo attaches to the uterine wall filled with blood vessels, it can cause some disruption. As a result, some women can experience mild bleeding during this time.
Implantation can happen in any part of the uterus. The embryo can implant itself in the front, back, or any side of the uterus.
Implantation bleeding can be spots or brown, dark brown, or even pink blood. It can last for just a few hours or even 2 days for some women. The bleeding has to be very light and not enough to soak a full sanitary napkin. It should also be free of clots.
The main symptom of implantation bleeding is mild bleeding or spotting around the time the menstrual period should start. Some women can experience the following symptoms as well:
● Headaches
● Breast soreness
● Nausea
● Fatigue or tiredness
● Bloating
All the above symptoms are very similar to period symptoms. So, it is easy to mistake one for the other. Only a pregnancy test can confirm pregnancy. Implantation bleeding alone will not suffice.
Many women experience spotting or light bleeding before their periods. It is easy to mistake implantation bleeding for the beginning of your period. Here are some ways in which both differ:
● Implantation bleeding can be light bleeding or just a few drops of blood. Menstruation can be heavier bleeding, sometimes with clots.
● During implantation, the blood can be brown, dark brown, or even light pink. During periods, the blood colour is bright red.
● Implantation bleeding can last between a few hours to a maximum of 2 days. Periods bleeding can last up to 5 or 7 days.
● You won’t need a sanitary napkin or a menstrual cup for implantation bleeding.
Though implantation bleeding is one of the first steps in pregnancy, it does not always result in a successful pregnancy. Multiple factors affect the outcome of a pregnancy. Implantation bleeding is only an early indication of a possible pregnancy.
Not every woman experiences implantation bleeding. Different women can have other pregnancy symptoms. If you do not experience implantation bleeding, it does not indicate any issue with your pregnancy. A missed period and a pregnancy test are the two most important and reliable symptoms of pregnancy.
Implantation bleeding occurs at the beginning of pregnancy. If you experience bleeding after pregnancy confirmation, it could indicate one of the following. Remember not to panic. Consult your doctor and let them confirm the cause of the vaginal bleeding after taking the necessary tests.
● Ectopic Pregnancy – When the embryo implants outside the uterus.
● Placental Complications – Placenta Previa or placental abruptions can cause bleeding in pregnancy.
● Miscarriage or Abortion – Loss of pregnancy before completing 20 weeks is known as a miscarriage, and losing the pregnancy after 20 weeks is known as abortion.
● Infections – Some infections can cause bleeding in pregnancy.
While implantation bleeding is normal in pregnancy, you should consult your gynaecologist if you experience the following:
● Your bleeding does not stop even after a few days
● You are bleeding bright red blood
● Bleeding increases
● You experience cramps or abdominal pain
● You see clots in the blood.
Implantation bleeding is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Not all women experience it. The lack of implantation bleeding in early pregnancy does not have any impact on the pregnancy, nor does it indicate any potential complications in the pregnancy. A woman might experience implantation bleeding for one pregnancy and may not have any for her next pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different, and the presence or absence of implantation bleeding should not be a cause for concern.
It differs from pregnancy to pregnancy. It can last anywhere between a few hours to a maximum of 2 days. If it lasts longer, you should consult your doctor to ensure there are no complications to worry about.
Implantation bleeding is much lighter than regular menstrual period blood flow. It will be just a few drops or a very light flow of dark brown or pink blood in contrast to the bright red blood you experience during periods.
No, implantation is the first step in pregnancy and does not affect pregnancy in any way. Implantation is the process of the fertilised egg attaching to the uterine wall. Only after the embryo attaches to the uterine wall will it start developing.
Implantation bleeding should stop within 2 days. If your bleeding increases or is in full flow and lasts for more than 5 days, you should consult your doctor and take a pregnancy test.