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Meghan Markle's Full-Body Workout Routine Revealed!

apexlifehub.com 2 days ago

The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, has been known for her fit and toned physique. Her secret? A rigorous full-body workout routine that targets multiple muscle groups to keep her in top shape. Prioritizing Health and Fitness Meghan Markle's dedication to her health and active lifestyle is no secret. Her Toronto-based trainer, Craig McNamee, revealed that the duchess doesn't waste any time in the gym. According to McNamee, Markle enjoys her workouts and is always focused on the task at hand. A Full-Body Approach Markle's trainer, Craig McNamee, emphasized the importance of a full-body approach to exercise. He mentioned that they worked on various muscle groups, including the back, lower body, and core. Additionally, since Markle was often on-screen, they paid special attention to her posture. Targeted Circuits To achieve Markle's toned physique, her trainer incorporated targeted circuits into her workout routine. These circuits focused on her back, glutes, hamstrings, abs, obliques, and pelvic floor. By targeting multiple muscle groups in each session, Markle was able to see significant results. Unwavering Dedication Markle's commitment to her fitness is evident in her dedication to her workout routine. Despite the challenges, she never complains and approaches each session with determination. Markle's full-body workout routine is a key factor in maintaining her figure and overall health. If you're looking to get in shape like Meghan Markle, a full-body workout approach could be the key to achieving your fitness goals.

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