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Features of Discourse

vocal.media 2 days ago

Discourse exhibits several distinctive features that contribute to its complexity and effectiveness as a mode of communication. Understanding these features is essential for analyzing and interpreting discourse in various contexts. Below are some key features of discourse:

1. Cohesion: Cohesion refers to how elements within a text are linguistically connected to create coherence and flow. This includes the use of cohesive devices such as pronouns, conjunctions, lexical repetition, and referencing to link ideas and maintain continuity throughout the discourse.

2. Coherence: Coherence refers to the overall sense of unity and organization in a discourse. It involves the logical and meaningful arrangement of ideas, information, and arguments to ensure that the discourse is understandable and purposeful to the audience.

3. Thematic Progression: Thematic progression refers to the systematic organization of information within a discourse. It involves the progression of themes or topics from old (previously mentioned or known) to new (introduced or emphasized) information, facilitating comprehension and guiding the reader or listener through the discourse.

4. Discourse Markers: Discourse markers are words or phrases that signal relationships between different parts of a discourse, such as transitions between ideas, shifts in topic, or speaker attitude. Examples include "however," "therefore," "on the other hand," and "in conclusion."

5. Register and Genre: Discourse exhibits variations in register (formality, style, and tone) and genre (textual conventions and communicative purposes) depending on the context and communicative goals. Different registers and genres dictate specific linguistic choices and rhetorical strategies used within the discourse.

6. Interdiscursivity: Interdiscursivity refers to the interplay between different discourses within a given text or communication event. It involves the incorporation or reference to other discourses, ideologies, or social practices, influencing the interpretation and meaning-making processes of the discourse.

7. Pragmatic Features: Pragmatic features of discourse involve the use of language in context, considering factors such as speaker intention, audience expectations, and communicative goals. Pragmatic aspects include speech acts, implicature, politeness strategies, and conversational norms.

Understanding and analyzing these features of discourse enables scholars and researchers to uncover underlying patterns, meanings, and ideologies embedded within communication practices across various contexts and genres.

Activity 1

Social media has significantly transformed modern society, revolutionizing the way people communicate, connect, and interact with one another. With the advent of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, individuals from across the globe can instantaneously share thoughts, ideas, and experiences, transcending geographical boundaries and fostering a sense of global interconnectedness. However, the pervasive influence of social media has also brought about a myriad of societal changes, both positive and negative. On one hand, it has democratized information dissemination, empowered marginalized voices and facilitated grassroots movements for social change. On the other hand, it has contributed to the rise of online misinformation, cyberbullying, and social comparison, exacerbating issues related to mental health and societal polarization. Thus, while social media has undoubtedly reshaped the fabric of modern society, its impact remains complex and multifaceted, shaping the way individuals perceive and navigate the world around them.


The Features of Discourse

• Cohesive devices such as "With the advent of social media platforms," "This has led to a sense of global interconnectedness," and "However, alongside these positive aspects" help connect different parts of the paragraph.

• The repetition of the term "social media" throughout the paragraph also contributes to cohesion.

• The paragraph demonstrates coherence by presenting a clear topic sentence ("With the advent of social media platforms...") followed by supporting sentences that expand on the topic.

• The organization of ideas, from discussing the positive aspects to acknowledging the negative consequences, maintains coherence and clarity.

• The conclusion ties back to the initial topic, providing closure to the paragraph.

• Thematic progression is evident as the paragraph progresses from discussing the positive impact of social media to addressing its negative consequences.

• The progression from introducing social media's role in global interconnectedness to acknowledging challenges like misinformation and cyberbullying follows a logical sequence.

• Discourse markers such as "However" and "Despite these challenges" signal shifts in the discussion, indicating transitions between contrasting ideas.

• These markers help guide the reader through the paragraph and highlight important points.

• The language used in the paragraph is formal and informative, typical of written discourse in academic or analytical contexts.

• The paragraph adopts a descriptive and analytical tone, characteristic of discourse discussing societal phenomena.

• The paragraph reflects pragmatic features by addressing the impact of social media on modern society, considering both positive and negative implications.

• It acknowledges the complex nature of social media's influence, suggesting an awareness of audience expectations and societal concerns.

Overall, the paragraph exhibits various features of discourse, including cohesion, coherence, thematic progression, discourse markers, register and genre, and pragmatic considerations, contributing to its effectiveness in communicating ideas about the impact of social media on modern society.

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