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Find True Joy and Fulfilment

indiancatholicmatters.org 2024/10/6

Thamajoy Reang csc –

In the first reading, we see Ephraim establishing altars for sinning and false worship. The Lord articulates judgment on Israel because she has offered sacrificial rituals to him while ignoring his covenantal regulations. The nation is found guilty of hypocritical and false devotion.

This reading reminds us to offer our complete devotion and to keep the covenantal laws of the Lord in our faith journey.

In the gospel, we see Jesus casting out a demon from a mute man, and the crowds are amazed at his miraculous works. Despite his power, Jesus is moved with compassion for the people, seeing them as sheep without a shepherd. He tells his disciples that the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few, and urges them to pray for more labourers for the harvest. This gospel passage calls us to recognize our mission in today’s world.

Jesus invites us to be healers for the spiritually sick, to show compassion to those who are marginalized, to guide those who have strayed in their faith. Although we may face challenges in spreading God’s Kingdom in various contexts, we must trust in divine providence. By actively participating in the harvest of the kingdom of love, we will find true joy and fulfilment.

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