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Students 'excited' to be voting for the first time

BBC 2 days ago

By  Amy Holmes ,  BBC News, Bedfordshire

BBC BBC A young blonde female student standing in front of black and white posters
Beth Firman says voting at a young age will mean she is helping to shape her future

First time voters in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire have said they feel "overwhelmed but excited" about the prospect of having their say in July's General Election. Students from West Herts College in Watford and Barnfield College in Luton have been talking about the challenge ahead.

The majority told the BBC that they will be voting, but some say they are less keen and needed more information first.

Beth Firman is studying sports massage and personal training at West Herts College in Watford, and described voting for the first time as "exciting, but daunting".

She said: "Some people are like I'm a first time voter and don't really want to vote, but I think people our age should be excited about voting.

"If our voice is heard then we're setting our lives up, whereas older people if they're voting, by the time the changes happen they won't be living their life through those changes."

She added: "The view that young people don't care enough about politics comes about because we don't know enough as we're not taught enough. We're told to look it up at home or online where the information is not always available."

A young Asian male student sitting on a yellow chair
Jawad says his friendship group probably won't vote unless more young people do, too

Jawad Mohammad is doing a health and social care course at Barnfield College in Luton, but said he doesn't think he will vote because its, "not going to make a difference as there's basically no point".

He told the BBC that, "more young people of his age voting" might change his mind on that stance.

Jawad added that his friendship group hasn't really talked about voting, but he feels his friends probably won't do it either, "for the same reasons" and that they "don't feel enough young people are voting to make a difference".

A young female student with long brown hair sitting on a yellow chair
Katie feels schools should do more to educate young people about politics

Also at Barnfield, music student Katie Falberg said she will vote on July 4, but wished young people were educated more about politics at school.

She said: "In school we never really talked about politics. It wasn't a big subject.

"It's quite bad because I should have some awareness of it, but it's never been brought to my attention."

Katie added: "I don't think it should be a priority, but at some point they [schools] should mention it, and make sure we're aware of the different things, even if it's in the form time at the beginning of the day."

A young blonde female student sitting on a yellow chair
Casey feels people her age are starting to take voting more seriously

Barnfield childcare student Casey Ephgrave said she is also keen to vote as it "brings people together".

She insisted that young people are "Taking elections more seriously, rather than just sitting there and saying it's not really my place to say."

She added that "Young people are living in the now, we are experiencing this and are seeing how this affects us."

She said young people "Want change and that the younger generation is very stern about that."

A young male student with black hair and wearing a grey-coloured T-shirt
Louis says for him that voting is a chance to change things

Back at West Herts College, Louis Djongh is also studying sports massage and personal training and said a lot of young people feel the power to vote is "overwhelming".

He added: "Young people are put off because they are surrounded by lies and controversy, and some see this and don't want to touch it at all."

However, he added: "Given the right choice the UK isn't too far gone. We could change a few things and that could change our perspectives on this country."

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