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Pisshead Doing Dry July Experiences Sunrise in Stunning High Definition For First Time Since Year 10 Bush Camp

betootaadvocate.com 2 days ago


A bloke is marvelling at the wonder of nature this morning as he remembers when it feels like to soak up a sunrise without a trace of grog in his system.

Joining the thousands of Aussies taking a break from booze this July, Sunny Coast draftsman Trent Musgrave (32) is three weeks into a dabble with sobriety, and frustratingly feels pretty damn good for it.

As a young alcohol adopter who often snuck a six-pack of alcopops into parties in his teen years, Trent admits he’s formed a pretty consistent relationship with alcohol, one where he gets through a carton of piss every weekend and a five pub beers most Wednesdays after footy training, 

But having tasted the sober life, Trent told The Advocate it’s pretty wild how clear your head feels after not soaking your liver in ethanol every week.

“Mate I feel pretty tip top, my head is clear as glass and I’ve even started remembering all the birthdays of my family members.”

“This must be how Tibetan monks feel!”

Now that he’s not waking up most weekends with queasy guts and a drilling headache, Trent has discovered he’s become one of those annoying morning people who enjoys experiencing the eerie quiet pre-dawn darkness and watching the first rays of the sun peek over the pacific ocean, especially when there’s some light cloud cover and he’s treated to a fairy floss sunrise.

Having spent the past decade routinely on the turps, Trent said he hadn’t seen anything like this morning’s sunrise since his school days spent in a Catholic school.

“Last time I saw a sunrise like this was at Year 10 bush camp, our chaplain made us do this ‘Wake up with God’ kind of exercise and meditate by a lake.”

“So yeah this is pretty surreal, actually can you take a picture of me sitting on this cute rock? I wouldn’t mind a new profile picture?”

More to come.

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