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Relationships Drastically Improve For 5 Zodiac Signs The Week Of July 8

yourtango.com 2024/10/6

Open your heart to receive the answers you seek.

smiling couple whose relationship improves july 8-14
PeopleImages.com - Yuri A via Shutterstock / seonstudio and Artulina via Canva

As the week of July 8 begins with a divine connection between Jupiter in Gemini and the North Node in Aries, relationships will improve for five zodiac signs. You will feel a desire for expansion and growth, which will set you up to courageously follow your heart as Venus shifts into Leo on Thursday, July 11, and take those steps forward with the First Quarter Moon in Libra on Saturday, July 13. 

But the real deciding factor is that asteroid Pallas stations direct in Scorpio on Tuesday, July 9, letting you feel more empowered, strengthening your thinking skills, and helping you figure out what you want for love. When it comes to love and relationships, you can’t rush the answers, or even the process. As long as you are open to receiving, and ready to embrace the truth, then it’s a matter of trusting that whatever you are seeking will arrive in divine timing. 

The week of July 8 will help you feel confident in your decisions as well as the ability to problem solve and figure out any challenging situations in love. Everything is aligning to have this be a pivotal week in your relationships where you can heal whatever challenges you have been experiencing and truly embrace a brand-new chapter in love.

Relationships drastically improve for 5 zodiac signs the week of July 8

1. Libra

libra relationship improve horoscope july 8-14
Max Reyes, Codioful and margokukhar / Canva

You are being given everything you need to see the truth in the week of July 8, Libra — the only question is if you will take this opportunity. On Tuesday, July 9, Jupiter in Gemini will align with the North Node in Aries, prompting an increased desire for growth, expansion and change. This energy allows you to understand more fully what kind of life and relationship you want to lead. 

But to choose what is meant for you, you also need to be able to learn from the past. The lessons you experience in love are all about you becoming a more healed and authentic version of yourself. By leaning into this, you can also improve your current relationship and romantic life as a whole.

During this time, it’s important to reflect on your love journey, so journaling or even a self-help book may be able to help this process for you. Look for similar patterns and what feels different, paying close attention to what it feels like you’ve been trying to get from others that you actually need to give yourself. 

By embracing your own healing, taking accountability in your relationship, and even being ready to make some important decisions you can transform your love life into your destiny.

2. Taurus

taurus relationship improve horoscope july 8-14
Max Reyes, Codioful and margokukhar / Canva

When it comes to matters of the heart, the most important aspect is being able to feel like you have a clear and steady mind, Taurus. When you feel clear, and allow yourself to plan, strategize, or even reflect on your past decisions, not only do you feel more confident, but you also hold the ability to positively transform any romantic connection. 

As asteroid Pallas stations direct in Scorpio on Tuesday, July 9, your clarity, conviction, and ability to problem-solve will return — just in time to make some positive steps forward in your connection. You have to trust yourself, Taurus, when it comes to knowing how to handle this current relationship. Just because certain aspects have felt off recently doesn’t mean that the relationship itself is over. 

In this situation, it seems like you’ve had a hard time seeing matters clearly, resulting in not only overthinking but feeling blocked from making a decision. Now that Pallas is direct, this ability to figure out what you need from your partner, how to heal this recent argument and even what actions to take to get your relationship back on track will suddenly become clear. 

You just need to ensure you are not holding the past over your partner’s head. If you do choose to continue this connection, you also need to genuinely be able to get over what has occurred.

3. Aquarius

aquarius relationships improve horoscope july 8-14
Max Reyes, Codioful and margokukhar / Canva

Leaving space for your partner to step in is important, Aquarius, especially so you don’t end up feeling like you’re doing the brunt of the work or planning. But love, just like life, is a balance. While space is necessary to see the truth, you may need to be bolder and more forthright in going after what you want. 

You can’t expect your partner to be a mind reader or even be able to see between the lines of what you have expressed. And if this really is true love, then there is no reason to not speak your truth — which is precisely what Venus’s return to Leo on Thursday, July 11 will help you with. Venus in Leo brings the reminder that it’s actually okay at times to make it all about you, especially if you've been feeling off or even disconnected from your partner. 

Just because this is a relationship (which should feel like a partnership) doesn’t mean you will have the same experiences within this connection. You are valid for feeling the way that you do, even if it seems like you’re the only one experiencing that. But talking about it, being clear, and very bold in saying what you want and need will be necessary to improve matters. 

It’s important to create a space for an honest conversation before your emotions and frustrations get the best of you, as tempers and even manipulation tactics may be higher with this energy. Talk it out, Aquarius, because love, if it’s real, will be able to hold space for the truth as well.

4. Aries

aries relationship improve horoscope july 8-14
Max Reyes, Codioful and margokukhar / Canva

You aren’t quite accustomed to having to plan your steps forward in love and romance, Aries. Often, you see what you want and go after it, regardless of whether it’s the perfect timing or even if you have all the necessary plans in place.You excel at honoring your heart and then going all in. 

But you’ve also been trying to be more mature and practical in love, especially as you’ve seen how past decisions have already turned out. Because of this, you’ve been more cautious in love. You’ve taken more time, approached matters more honestly, and understand that sometimes the best course of action is simply patience. Even if part of you wants to rush ahead at the moment, you’re also okay taking time to plan your next steps because it seems you’ve finally found the relationship that you feel could last forever.

The First Quarter Moon in Libra will rise on Saturday, July 13 helping you focus more on what you want for this special relationship in your life and how to go about planning for a future together. Although your heart is fully invested in this new connection, you haven’t actually let yourself really make anything official or even start making plans together as of yet. 

While it’s been healthy to take your time in this connection, you are now being guided to begin making those plans. Whether it’s an official first date, weekend away, or even how to go about merging your lives a bit more, this is an important moment, Aries, because it’s one you’ve waited a long time for. Try not to get overly excited and skip any steps as you need to continue this process but continue to trust that it will bring in that surplus of love, romance, and connection that you want.

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5. Sagittarius

sagittarius relationship improve horoscope july 8-14
Max Reyes, Codioful and margokukhar / Canva

You just might be able to save your relationship and it’s arriving precisely in divine timing, Sagittarius. You’ve been asked to move through a lot of energy — not only an undercurrent of greater commitment, but also temptation to fall back into old patterns when it comes to relationships. 

While it might seem the two are contradictory, it’s all because the universe will test you most right before the uplevel occurs. For you, that is because you have a very significant opportunity coming in. However, to receive that, you need to be in the place to choose it. The divine meeting of Jupiter in Gemini and the North Node in Aries will highlight your own personal growth and the ability to choose love. Not just the love you want for a single moment, but for a lifetime.

Jupiter in Gemini and the North Node in Aries will connect on Tuesday, July 9 bringing in a sense of expansion, growth, and positive opportunities — which for you are all about deepening an existing relationship or bringing about a divine meeting. You’ve worked hard for this, Sagittarius, especially in the last few months as you’ve reflected more on what you need and resolved any lingering feelings over commitment representing a loss of freedom. 

But now you are being urged to move ahead, pop that question, say I do, or even bring up the conversation of moving in together. Regardless of where your current relationship is, you are being urged to take it to the next level. Let yourself trust in how valiantly you’ve moved through the recent lessons and allow yourself to choose the love that truly makes the rest of your life better.

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