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2027: No opposition for Nwifuru in Ezza, Says PDP guber aspirant

blueprint.ng 1 day ago

A former governorship aspirant on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Hon. Edwin Nwonu, weekend said that Governor Francis Nwifuru of Ebonyi state would not meet strong opposition come 2027 general election.

Nwonu who defected from the PDP to the All Progressives Congress (APC) in May 2024 noted that all who were in opposition party in Ezza have defected to APC.

The former House of Reps member who represented Ezza North/Ishielu federal constituency of Ebonyi state from 2015 to 2023, disclosed this during the flag off of the APC rally for local government and councillorship election come July 20, 2024 at Ebiaji, Ezza North LGA .

Mr Nwonu further revealed that performance of Governor Nwifuru within his first year in office attracted staunch members of the opposition parties into APC.

“The people that are doing opposition are no more there, the Governor will not witness what he witnessed in 2023 in Ezza North.

“You can see the Governor is doing well that is why all the stakeholders of Ebonyi came together supporting him to develop the state . So I want to give it to the local government chairman, he has done well by bringing all the elders, youths,women of Ezza North together. That gap that the governor is closing at the state level he is replicating it in LGA.

“You know that I was in PDP, my elections in 2015 to 2023 was done purely in PDP but we saw what the governor is doing in terms of his chatter of needs mantra, that he is going to the needs of the people at the grass root level, the top level, to make sure that the Ebonyians are comfortable and Ebonyians are duly accepted at the center that is why some of us said no we have to come and work with his person.

“If the PDP aspirants in 2023 is now in APC support the governor that means that young man is doing well and after his 8 years in 2031it will now get to Ezza and that is when sons and daughter’s of Ezza will contest”.

In his speech, Mr. Stanley Emegha, State chairman of APC called for the unity of the party member noting that the forthcoming LGA election was between APC and other political parties .
“It is better we do this election internally in our house. It is not Ogodoali that is contesting but APC vs other parties. All our interest are at risk at the National level.

I am plead that wherever your brother offended you please forgive him”.

On his part, the Local government chairman of Ezza North Chief Moses Ogodoali noted that he was going to concentrate more on pure governance.

“The major aim of governance is to render service, any leader that does not render service is not a leader.
“Our purpose is governance is to serve all and now that another opportunity is coming more of the poor people, more knowledge on agriculture will be developed. More infrastructure on roads and our schools shall be embarked on”.

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